Missing Cat

Ladies and Gents.
Now our neutered tabby cat has gone walkabout, this is the 4th night it has not come home:(.
Other than the obvious things such as getting squashed, catnapped by a lonely granny, trapped in someones shed/greenhouse or in a snare has anyone here had their cat go away and come home some significant time later ?
To compound matters my Daughter is writing her A levels and is stressing out about the missing feline.
I have asked a few neighbours to look out for us :news: but otherwise we are just waiting in hope.
Give me your kitty news.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
I had one cat that used to stay out for anything up to a week.

I found out that it was whenever he killed a rabbit he'd go and hole up and wouldn't come back until he'd finished it off :rolleyes:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2009
We had a cat that went walkabout for a few days but always came back. Didn't like strangers much and when Stuey of this parish was looking after our pets he did it. Came back after about 4 days and lacerated Stueys arms!
Unfortunately last October he went off again and has not been seen or heard of since. The fact that he was a Scottish Wildcat hybrid could have had something to do with it and he just went back to his roots.
Cats just do what they want!


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Is it a neutered tom? Our tom would go walkabout a couple of times a year, normally in the mating season. His record was three and a half weeks. I had given up on him when one morning, around 6am, I was woken by a yowling downstairs and there he was, emaciated but otherwise OK. He ate a huge amount of grub then slept the rest of the day and all was well again.

Don't give up hope!!!
Feb 15, 2011
I once had a black moggie, many moons ago & in another location, which just disappeared one day Nothing unusual in that as he was a litttle on the wild side & often went AWOL when we wouldn't see him for a day or two..... but when he didn't come back long after the usual time lapse we all thought he was a gonna as not only was there a new Chinese take-away nearby ( rumours & disappearing cats) but also there was a police firearms instructor who lived a few doors down the road who had a pathological hatred of cats & needless to say, killed them when they passed through his garden........or so it was believed. :rolleyes:
I scoured the area for days looking for traces of blood, guts & pancaked cats in case he had been hit by a car.......nothing.
Then one day, after about a month or so & we had given up hope of ever seeing him again, who started meowing at the back door as if nothing had happened.? .........................no idea where he had been or what he had been up to but he was none the worse for wear so by the looks of it had a good time.;) He was 'entire' so maybe he was gallivanting or simply found the pickings better elsewhere for a time....you never know with cats :D

Anyway I hope your kitty comes strolling back soon & all the best to your daughter for her A levels.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have two cats and would be going spare if they didn't come home.

I feel for you and your daughter and I hope this has a happy ending. These little furry critters make a difference to us don't they?
Nov 29, 2004
Three weeks or thereabouts was the longest my cat was gone for, when he came back he slept for two days and nights, he obviously enjoyed himself.

Hope yours comes back soon.


Dec 15, 2005
When I was a young 'un our tabby went missing for 10 days, it hardly ever left the house any other time. She turned up on the back step with a wire snare around her neck, she must have kicked herself free somehow but was in a real state when she got home. We think she'd been up the local farm and got into a pickle.

Like treadlightly's mog, she ate two bowls of food and sneaked off to the airing cupboard (favourite spot) and slept for nearly two days.

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
One of ours went off for several days a few years back, he was a neutered tom. He came back after nearly a week, very messy, muddy and full of grass and burrs. He ate like a horse and then slept for 24 hours. He was none the worse for it and we had no idea where he'd gone. If either of my two girls went missing I would go spare, they're not adventurous but females have a much smaller range than males. My very first cat (I had him when I was age 2-ish) was an entire and did used to go off for a few days at a time, entires are like that :). Dogoak, I'd love to have a wildcat cross :)

Keep the faith, Hog, and do let us know ...
Oh no Folks this pic is one before he went walk about, will edit.

Okay Folks at 21-15 this evening the mangy, noisy feline came home, a little underweight perhaps but healthy and wafter a quick scan for snare wires etc was declared fit and healthy by Mrs Hog and the Kids.
Many thanks to all of you who kept the spirit of not giving up alive, was all doom and gloom up to the point when I submitted this thread.
Off now for a looooong overdue cuddle.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Really good to read a happy ending. Will you be buying a GPS locator and short leash now? :lmao:

Seriously though, I'm really happy for you.

I had a cat go walkabout for 8 days. One evening we were sat in the front room just getting used to the idea of her not being around and my wife and I fighting over who should pet the remaining cat when the AWOL one wandered in via the backdoor cat flap, curled up on the armchair. Both my wife and I looked at each other in amazement. Jaffa just looked at us, like cats do as if to say "Yeah? What all the fuss about? :confused:" like this was normal activity.

Bloody furballs! ... but ya gotta love 'em. (Except BR of course :nono: tsk tsk.)


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
One of ours went off for several days a few years back, he was a neutered tom. He came back after nearly a week, very messy, muddy and full of grass and burrs. He ate like a horse and then slept for 24 hours. He was none the worse for it and we had no idea where he'd gone. If either of my two girls went missing I would go spare, they're not adventurous but females have a much smaller range than males. My very first cat (I had him when I was age 2-ish) was an entire and did used to go off for a few days at a time, entires are like that :). Dogoak, I'd love to have a wildcat cross :)

Keep the faith, Hog, and do let us know ...

Careful what you wish for Elen, our first cat was a wildcat cross, a stone and a half of psychopathic rage, controlled by a tiny little head. I loved him and he could be nice, but 30 years later if you look at my arms and legs in the right light, there are many parallel white lines of old scar tissue from him playing and ambushing me.

Hog, I hope that the fuzzball comes back soon for everyone's sake, it's horrible when you don't know the full story. And good luck to your daughter in her exams.



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