maxperdition a bunch of ........ insert your rude word of choice here


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
i had some luck this chrimbo in that i got a karrimor sf 35 litre daysack and well its ausome now when i was looking at them it was the best option for me and well i have now found this

and well it came out in january and its just what i would have liked back at chrimbo and now typical i have no bushcraft buget and its sat there taunting me not fair and that is why i have made the above statement now please note if you dare to look at the website of bushcraft pronography you will ruin all marrige relations with the other half why because well like i said its bushy porn and the bank managers worst night mare

and i take no responsibility for your stupidity at even looking never mind buying.

so any ideas on how i could addapt the sf to carry molle cos my mum said why cant the sf carry molle and i explained why and then she said well cant it be addapted

so i ask can it or not



Oh - be fair ...
Look at it in the "Royal Blue/ foliage colourway before passing judgement :D



Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
Uhhmmm That IS an ugly pack... and I checked the rest of the site and came out thinking:"So what? Big deal. Just a heap of seriously overprised goodies for a poshcrafter"....
Do I need to seek mental counceling now???


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2005
Does look like a giant couple of lego bricks with straps.

Though perhaps shouldn't judge so harshly, have a hankering for a Kelty MAP 3500. Fortunate only amron sell them, and my old Karrimor is holding up well.
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Jul 17, 2011
I have loads of maxpedition kit and the quality is second to none. Yes it is fairly expensive, but it is also durable. It aint 100% waterproof but I give my kit a once over with some waterproofing spray and that does the trick for me. In contrast a friend of mine has a north face rucksack, which is coming apart at the seams.

I have a daypack maxi, week pack maxi, grabable bum bag (octi versipack) and a few of their pocket size bags which i can strap to my main bags. Each and every bit of maxi kit I own is awesome.

It aint cheap but then neither is it overly expensive. I do like to be now known as a "poshcrafter" though according to one commentard

;-) Hey, I have a decent day job and like good strong kit, I would rather pay 100 bucks for my maxi Vulture 2 than go through 3 other bags over the years and slowly watch the stitching fail or worst of all fail whilst I am on a trip. 100 bucks for a decent sack is not bad at all and certainly not over priced, your pack is one of your best friends, most people spend more on a sleeping bag/decent bivi and 3x for a tent! So why not take good care over the quality of your pack too?! It will save your back a lot of strain and provide years of use and virtually never fail on you.

I have seen the falcon a few times, and yeah it does look a little lego bricky, but I bet it is a hell of a good bag.


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