Match Case With Compass

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Buckshot said:
Details are on the dirst page of this thread :biggthump

Weight is mentioned (76g for brass), but not diameter, length or capacity...

Mine isn't going to look half as fancy as that first picture!

I just need to find myself some strike-anywhere matches, now.

"Cook's matches" in the UK look good; my parents get these from the supermarket in big boxes, but in France, I don't know what I'll be able to find.

Keith Lunders K&M cases are (measured with a plastic school ruler so...):

20mm OD
85mm long for the main body (not including the bottom cord holder, but including the plug)
97mm total length
16mm for the plug outside part
26mm total for the plug
71mm for the body of the case OD
17mm compass OD

58mm for a current production Diamond Strike-Anywhere match

Matchcase holds ~25 (+/- 1) matches (alternating head up/head down) plus a couple sewing needles.

Right now there are only 2 choices...brass and black anodized aluminum.

We have you in for one of each. Do you now want 1 brass and 2 aluminum?

I may be able to get some powdercoated Orange
ones. Any interest?

Great, for right now I will just make a note by those names who may be interested in Orange and when Keith gets back to me I will find out what sort of number he may have.

Keith did Orange several years ago, but I am guessing because they are Powdercoated (painted) that the finish is not as durable as anodization, so he may have had complaints or returns or it may have just been difficult to do...regardless, these are not standard items and will be more difficult to get. He told me last year he had a box of them, so for right now I will just keep track of those interested and see what I can do.
Schwert said:
Keith Lunders K&M cases are (measured with a plastic school ruler so...):

20mm OD
85mm long for the main body (not including the bottom cord holder, but including the plug)
97mm total length
16mm for the plug outside part
26mm total for the plug
71mm for the body of the case OD
17mm compass OD

58mm for a current production Diamond Strike-Anywhere match

Matchcase holds ~25 (+/- 1) matches (alternating head up/head down) plus a couple sewing needles.

Thanks, Schwert.

I made mine last night. If I can borrow a digital camera, there'll be some pics later today or maybe Friday night.

It's quite a bit heavier than the K&M.

Made of copper,
Outside diameter around 35mm, screw cap at either end reveals a hole of 25mm, chamber inside diameter is 32mm.
Overall length, including square nubs on the caps, around 75mm.

To keep the cold metal away from skin, and to provide a handy way of hanging it round my neck, the outside is wrapped with soft cord.

Unwrapped weight is 120g, cord adds another 20g.

No compass on it yet, though I have one that slips onto a watch strap.

Great news from Keith Lunders:

Finally! When we didn't have sample compasses by last Thursday I called Suunto again to learn that the shipping department hadn't sent them but they would go out that day. We got them Monday and they are beautiful! They have about 1800 of last year's model in stock, which has a green face. The 2005 model is identical except with a blue face. Neither features glow in the dark capability but I doubt if very many people need that anyway. Both samples are jeweled and liquid dampened.

The nicest thing is that they are identical in size to the units we got from JWA several years, ago until they told us Suunto had discontinued them. Why didn't I check a long time ago and save all this frustration?

I plan to try to negotiate a package deal for all of last year's model so will let you know when we know but it's definitely a go regardless, it will just be a matter of price. I also need to get brass and aluminum quotes since all metal prices have gone up quite a bit this last year.

I guess it would be interesting to go ahead with the link at this time, just to see what happens. I've got about two week's worth of shop work ahead of me and then it's Katey bar the door, full speed ahead on MC's.

Tell me what you think, this internet marketing is new to me.
God bless, Keith

So Keith is working out a deal on the compasses and will be buying metal. Final details of pricing etc will be coming as soon as I know, but at least the compass hurdle has been jumped.

These compasses cost more than the Brunton's he previously used, but I know they are worth it, and with 1800 available we are in fat city.

More details later.

Thanks again,

Keith Beef,

I hope you can find a camera. That case sounds like a nice one. I saw on that someone made that was about that size. They used garden hose end-caps on both ends of a piece of brass or copper pipe. Bigger than the K&M's but it held a lot of matches.

That Stainless Steel Pill Fob was a gift, but if you Google up "pill fob" tons show up. This place has all sorts:

I have seen these in travel stores and chemist shops, but the internet supply stores seem to have just a ton of variations.

I have 2 sizes of 13mm x 60mm that holds a stack of asprin, and the larger diameter one in the picture beside the orange case which is 21mm x 48mm which can hold all kinds of small stuff...mine has some other pain relievers and prescription medications.
Schwert said:

That Stainless Steel Pill Fob was a gift, but if you Google up "pill fob" tons show up. This place has all sorts:

I have seen these in travel stores and chemist shops, but the internet supply stores seem to have just a ton of variations.

I have 2 sizes of 13mm x 60mm that holds a stack of asprin, and the larger diameter one in the picture beside the orange case which is 21mm x 48mm which can hold all kinds of small stuff...mine has some other pain relievers and prescription medications.

Thanks for the info :super:


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