Match Case With Compass

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Yup, Leon is right. Nothing to report from Keith Lunders so far. I have not forgotten you all though.

Keith should be close to done on another project he is doing for me and another forum. Once that is done and when the compasses arrive we should be good to get going.

Because Keith's Mother is fairly ill, I hate to call him and bother him much, but I may give him a ring this week to see how everything is going and if he has any compass news.

Fingers crossed.
Got you PB.

Probably should ask everyone to go to page 2 of this thread and review the list of suspects and your choices according to me....any changes just let me know.

I did not call Keith this week. I will do so next week however.

Those brass cases do look nice...any of you guys use the jet lighters however?
Just FYI but there's the Victorinox SwissFlame, knife/lighter combo. I've bought this but have yet to field test it.
I just got an update from Keith, and it looks like he currently is working full-time and expects to (hopes to) through the fall and winter. He will not be doing any matchcases until sometime after these jobs end. This does not mean "never" but unfortunately for now it does mean "sometime later".

Here is a portion of his email to me:

Well my friend, once again I'm indebted to you for your efforts on our behalf. I hope to have more time to work on our own business because I really believe the sales are out there through the internet, but it's impossible to pass up a real income after such a long dry spell. But please feel free to remind me once in a while that I'm getting behind - it helps kick start me. Let's take it one day at a time and see how it works out.

I will continue my discussions with him over the next few months and see if things change. I sent him the list of matchcases you all are interested in so he knows there is a market need.

Sorry about this news right now for the group effort....

Kevin : I've had a Campflame (like Swissflame) for 6 months or so. So far utterly reliable, just as you'd expect from Victorinox.

Randy: I'm glad Keith has got work lined up, even if it means no matchcases this year. The folk on this forum can recognise good kit when they see it.
A slight update for you folks.

Keith and I just distributed nearly 70 matchcases to another forum I belong to. I have been begging him to look through his inventory of case bodies and compasses to see if he could easily assemble some matchcases for you.

Right now he is very busy working, but with winter approaching I am hopeful that he will be able to find a few spare moments to make up a few more cases. He got his firewood cut but not yet split, and bagged an elk for the winter meat supply, so things are falling in place.

I will keep trying, I have not given up.
If its not to late i d like a brass one. and also where can you get thoughs strike anywhere matches in the picture from in the uk. The only non-safty matches i can find here are swan matches?
Like Steve, I'm a little behind the curve, any chance of getting a Brass one as well as they look very usefull.

I got my matchsafes from Schwert on the other forum. They are a beautiful combination of form and function. If ya'll have a chance to get one, do it.

I got one of each and am glad I did. For use, I think the ligthweight aluminum is going to get the nod. The classic brass one is pretty nice too, but it's pretty heavy. :o):


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