These are the details for how to order and the costs copied from Schwert's original.
First the details:
Case cost $19 each in US funds.
Postage from $5 to $9 depending upon the number ordered.
1) Email me at
2) List the number of cases and colors you want
3) Provide a precise shipping address
4) I will return the email with final price including shipping and ask you to paypal that amount to me at the same email address
5) Once funds are transferred, I will forward your order, address and money to Keith. He will ship direct from Idaho.
6) At this point only PayPal transfers are accepted and credit cards through them are fine.
7) Please Note your screen name so I can keep my list current.
I do not do any computer work on the weekends so I will only answer your emails Monday - Friday.
I will be answering most of your emails after 1800 Zulu.
Please do not PayPal any funds until I confirm your email.
Keith will be working in Montana for 10 days at a time or so orders may sit in Idaho for a while depending on his schedule.
I will be on Holiday mid May to June so we will go on hold for that interval (Keith is in Montana too).
If the requests for powdercoated cases exceeds his current backstock he will make more, but there may be some delay.
Thanks once again for all you support and patience.