Match Case With Compass

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Here is the new red anodized case from Keith...actually old stock cases but fitted with the new compasses. So these five now represent the line from Keith. Yellow powdercoated aluminium, Red anodized aluminium, traditional brass, clear anodized aluminium (special order only), and of course the black anodized aluminium.


I trimmed REI Storm Proof matches to fit the yellow case...they are sort of short for their big burn but what is a singed finger or two?

Recently imported strike-anywheres have shown up here in the US. These are Penley's made in Chile and are much like our Diamond Strike-Anywheres.

I decided to try out the Penleys this weekend. I picked up two boxes at the grocery and decided to try out the shellac waterproofing method. I dipped each match and laid them out overnight on bamboo skewers to dry.

I dropped 3 matches in a bucket of water and let them float for 3 minutes, shook them off and them struck them on a terracotta pot....each ingnited perfectly. The shellac is a harder coating than wax and I needed a more aggressive strike than the bare matches, but I am pretty pleased with their water resistance.


Note the clear anodized case pictured is mine from 1992 so the compass is not of the current Suunto line. Keith will do the clear anodized cases on request as they are not currently in stock. The brass case also has a non-stock compass.
Shamelessly bumping this one up.

Actually I just returned from a vacation and had a few order requests while I was gone.

Keith is getting in his winter wood supply now and just finished a welding job for the Forest Service so he was a bit delayed in getting out the last round of orders. A phone call today cleared up all those requests and we are again open for orders.

We have 18 yellow cases left and the magnificant muted reds make great holiday presents... :D

Here is a shot of the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park. The sun is just peaking over the ridge and the geyser just finished its eruption...not quite the coordination of events that make a perfect shot but the steam phase backlit was magnificant.


It seems like there has been a massive influx of new members lately. As you're bumping this up would you care to re-state price and payment details for their benefit to save trawling through the thread.



PS Great photo, hope you had a great time.
Here are the details:


A new series of Keith Lunders (K&M) matchcases are available. These have a jeweled Suunto liquid-filled compass and are machined from either brass or aluminum. The brass weighs 76g the aluminum 29g. They have a knurled exterior body and plug. The inside of the plug is slightly roughened for use as a match striker (strike-anywhere type matches), and the plug has a pair of O-ring seals that are water-proof to 2000 psi. The plug is held in place by twisting the plug and therefore tensioning the lanyard around the case body. These are easily opened when your hands are wet and since it is not a screw-thread will not gall or freeze in place.

A limited supply of yellow powdercoated aluminum cases are available in addition to the standard brass and black anodized aluminum. Red anodized aluminium is also available along with clear anodized aluminium (shiny aluminium) which is available as a special order only for right now.

The dark ruby red anodized aluminum case like the yellow case shown is an old stock case fitted with the new compass.

Here are the details of the process:

Case cost is $19 each in US funds.

Postage from $5 to $9 depending upon the number ordered and your location. Global Priority mailers are used for all orders. Typical mailing cost to the UK is $5 for up to 4 cases.

1) Email me at (Note the second letter is an ell)

2) List the number of cases and metal types you want

3) Provide a precise shipping address

4) I will return the email with final price including shipping and ask you to PayPal that amount to me at the same email address

5) Once funds are transferred, I will forward your order, address and money to Keith. He will ship direct from Idaho.

6) At this point PayPal transfers are preferred and credit cards through them are fine.


I do not do any computer work on the weekends so I will only answer your emails Monday - Friday.

Please do not PayPal any funds until I confirm your order.

Keith will be working in Montana for 10-21 days at a time every-so-often so orders may sit in Idaho for a while depending on his schedule.

Keith supplies all cases with a compass cover, extra O-rings and an extra cord.


Mirage did this review on his case over at British Blades--Testing and Reviews.
Anyone else out there that needs any matchcases please let me know. I have about 15 yellow left, plenty of red and of course the standard black and brass.

I sent Keith some of the long REI stormproof matches to see if he could do an extra length case for them. No news on that but if longer cases are of interest please let me know and I will "spark" some interest in Idaho. :)
If anyone is uncertain about getting one - you will not be disappointed. I have no connection with K@M except as a satisfied customer.

I keep one in a shirt pocket whenever I am outdoors. It is surprising how often you use it. Good for canoe trips/Scottish weather as the waterproofing is absolutely solid. The compass is too small for taking bearings but excellent for orienting yourself or the map. Extremely well made to the point you can regard it as an heirloom for your (grand)children.

Although the brass one looks and feels nicer, the aluminium is far, far lighter and IMHO infinitely more practical for those who walk any distance.
Well I am glad that the matchcases are working out for you guys, and both Keith and I thank you for the orders.

Keith told me he is has been hard on the trail of a bull elk for the past couple of weeks but without success so far. He wants at least one for the freezer before the season closes.

We have about 9 yellow cases left, plenty of reds and an unlimited supply of brass and black aluminum.
Bumping this as a reminder to those who still want cases for themselves or as gifts.

All the yellows have now been spoken for, but red, black, silver and brass are available.
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Thanks guys.

It looks like the recent shipments have been taking about 3 weeks from order over to the UK so you should be good for gift requests for the next week and a half or so.

Keith just did a large batch of silver (clear anodized) for the US Air Force and he may have held a few in reserve for those who have been ordering that model.

I still have quite a few of the red anodized and of course brass and black anodized are unlimited.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.