I hear you; which Pac Rim country is being allowed to dump produce in Canada, now? The best you can do here is hit the weekly Farmer's Markets, they all agreed to sell on different days!
Slowly and quietly, there is a marketing group developing among small/hobby farms in my district. In the summers, much of the organic produce (greens, squash, other fruit) in some Prince George city grocery stores
comes from the McBride/Valemount area. BIG FOOD lobbies government for detailed inspections which drive up the costs of anything preserved, meat included. At the same time, demand can far exceed supply.
One ranch down the road can do 2 flocks of 150 chickens each summer. What did they keep (besides the money)? Two birds.
Some of us barter. All I have to sell in October are grapes but that's almost an unique proposition so I'm OK. Best crop was 2013 = 65lbs/vine. I grow some green beans, peas and carrots but I put all that up just for myself. The best I can do is cook for 6-8, eat a meal and freeze the rest.