Kit I need, your recommendations?


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Thanks for that, I'll try second-hand gear and I'll have a look on eBay. The eBay shop "Clarendon Imports" you linked us too, thats about 1.5miles away from me in my town Newquay. :lmao: They're are regarded as controversal within our county as they sell fighting knifes, crossbows & drug equipment. They probably have useful knifes & gismo's too. I'll take a look.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
I wouldnt buy a knife on Ebay as I think its something you have to feel first.

(says she who bought a car on Ebay once, to the horror of all)

And Wandering star is right, check your shops first, as some things are overpriced on Ebay.

But if the price is right, go ahead.


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Tengu said:
I wouldnt buy a knife on Ebay as I think its something you have to feel first.
(says she who bought a car on Ebay once, to the horror of all)
And Wandering star is right, check your shops first, as some things are overpriced on Ebay.
But if the price is right, go ahead.
I agree usually a knife is something you need to feel first, however with some of eBay's cheap prices some of these knifes look great and at under a tena you cant go wrong and loose a lot :) Another thing is with handling knifes, even if its not the one for me each one I handle seems to teach more about the things I want and am looking for in a knife. I should get out and handle more :rolleyes: im looking forward to a knife passaround.


Life Member
May 22, 2006
West London
Tengu I understand where you are coming from totaly. But your comment of 'I wouldnt buy a knife on Ebay as I think its something you have to feel first' is very interesting, considering how many people by a mora or woodlore knife just because they are talked about.

I suppose it is, as with all kit, start at something and then discover what you do or dont want based on use. So starting cheap with a reccomendation is as good a place as any.

Sandsnakes :)


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
sandsnakes said:
considering how many people by a mora or woodlore knife just because they are talked about.
Yeah, interesting point!
I suppose the popularity & growth of such items through feedback, reviews and forums usually mean that they are of "good quality" or "will do the job well" (well thats what people take for granted) however each person use's knifes differently so that will affect your performance with certain knifes.

Quote: "For example, the way I use a knife will differ from the way you use one. I am tall; you might be short. I am right handed while you may not be. Is it unreasonable to assume that we would both be better off with a different type of knife, based on our different usuage?" Page 18 - Bushcraft UK Magazine - Article: "Bushcraft! what's that all about?" by Barry Scott

:D I love this magazine!


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Just been shopping @ :D
Bought a 3x3 Tarp (poly version) & the swedish Mora knife:

Cant wait for it to arrive :)


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Got my Mora knife & Tarp this morning :D Initial thoughts are its superb!
It came razer sharp and lightly oiled, here is a photo I took below:

The knife feels great, the knife can go into the sheath either way and secures with a nice click. The blade design, length & bevel looks just like I was looking for. :) Cant wait to give it some proper use.

As for the Tarp I havent so much as unravelled it yet. Been out all day shopping for the mrs birthday :(

I can now recommend the service I recieved from them was very fast and friendly. I placed my order on Monday, recieved both the tarp and knife Tuesday morning! :eek: Great stuff! :cool:


Full Member
Aug 28, 2004
Isle of Wight
Nightwalker said:
I can now recommend the service I recieved from them was very fast and friendly. I placed my order on Monday, recieved both the tarp and knife Tuesday morning! :eek: Great stuff! :cool:
Just wait.
Once he gets a hold on you, he'll know what you want before you do :lmao:
Beats most suppliers hands down from my experience. I was on his site checking the progress of an order the other day and my mobile rang. Yep, it was Andrew, who had spotted me online and rang to tell me the answer before I could type the query. :eek:
Now that is customer service!!

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
Hello, my ears were burning ;)

I won't try to plug my work or denegrate the work of others here, but when choosing any kit you need ot think about what its for, how its made and who made it.

For me, a Mora is great for a first knife when getting into bushcraft or knives in general: its cheap it works, but I wouldn't depend on it. A woodlore clone depending on the maker could be anywhere from rubbish to great work, but I don't like the design myself, but ask me in private for my opinions if you like.

There are some fine knifemakers making knives these days, but often they don't use them much. I would choose a bow from a bowyer that I have met at competitions. I would choose a pair of boots from a company who supply those boots to the people who depend on them and swear by them. Likewise, I would choose a bushcraft knife from somebody who actually does bushcraft activities regularly and knows there tools inside out. My GreenMan knife is continually evolving, I'm never going to get it perfect but i will keep tweaking it as I go.

I've never been a kit freak, so I don't make wish lists and rarely get around to looking at other folks gear. That said, I do need a new sleeping bag :yelrotflm


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Right for my latest update on my search for kit; today I purchased from Millets for the first time! I found a half-price deal on a Vango Sleeping bag. Was £40 down to £20! :lmao:

Vango NiteLine
Extreme Temp: -10c
Comfort Temp: 4 to 20c
Length: 220cm
Width: 80cm
Weight: 1,580g

Had a little search round on the Internet and from what I can tell it dosent seem to be a popular model, ie. Not to be seen on Vango's website or brochure and not many other sites. However, its a the right price and configuration for me so it looks like it'll do the job nicely. I've been in a few shops and held off buying a sleeping bag because I've never purchased one before and I never fully trusted the expertise of the sometimes spotty shop-assistant :rolleyes: however I just thought I'd go for it today. Prehaps now this means I can get rid of the Turtles one my parents got me as a child. :sulkoff: lol.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.