I laughed out loud when I saw this, I remember visiting friends in Phoenix In Arizona, and one day we drove up above the snow line, one of them promply got out lay down in the snow and started waving her arms and legs about, (and I thought the English were strange I thought ) She got up and left an impression in the snow "Snow angel" they all shouted at me, when I asked what the hell she was doing......aint humans wonderful.
As an aside last week 6:30 driving to work it started to snow, driving towards Stirling towards the motorway (considerably higher than home) it started to lie...Oh sh*t I thought ( I drive a vx220 aluminium chassis, fibreglass shell 2.2ltr rear drive car, huge rear wheels), started up the hill towards the motorway entrance, theres a tanker jack knifed on the road...ppl are going round...typically the one in front of me has to stop (OH SH*T) I thought
stopped in time but will I ever get moving again...did, roster tailed it all the way up the hill, lol the guy behind stayed weeeeeell back. did finally get into work at 9:30
(Its 20 miles) I love snow and what it does to the countryside, but not when I have to drive anywhere.