Into the Wild


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
The author of the book the film is based on thought the same as you, and wrote an article in a magazine saying just that. After researching deeper he wrote the book to redress his original comments. I suggest you have a read.

I suggest that I have read the book and thats why I think he was an idiot, fool, call him what you will; no admiration for him in the slightest and possibly a danger to others if some easily led soul decides to follow his way and ends up dead too.

He did not train enough, took the wrong (if any) kit with him, went to the wrong place and starved to death, not a hero, just an idiot.
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Apr 21, 2010
The U.K Desert
Thanks Z for the link, puts his unfortunate end in perspective.

Rik, he lived a much fuller and interesting life than many and I'm sure he had many more experiences than the book tells of, sitting in an office for 50 years is far more idiotic in my book. He is certainly no hero (I don't do heroes), but if I were to take anything from this tale, it's to live life to the fullest.
As Z's link states, he had enough equipment but not the required knowledge to survive.


Jun 22, 2009
yep i agree with a few here basically if i had no dependents i would rather spend my time just walking the earth albeit for a few years than living a lifetime carrying out what people deem the norm. Nobody knows the truth of how he died but i lean towards starvation rather than the plant idea it was sad but i would trade some time to see what he seen and the people he met along the way...lifes your own to do as you choose he chose what he wanted to do, just like people who climb mountains and die they know the risks but deem the journey worthy of it. I read the book and watched the film and loved it just a shame he never made a proper journal so we knew a bit more about his real adventure.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
You can contribute a lot from a working life in an office or as a nurse. As to wandering the earth, what a load of bullocks.


Aug 1, 2008
Personally, I found it a very spiritual film, a person that had all of the material possessions that the majority crave in our current society, and chose to give it all up to do what he believed in and wanted to do.

Was also somewhat a kick in the nuts for me as a few years ago (pre-sprogs and lovely almost wife) I considered just dumping all my "junk" and trekking round the UK via the coast, but never had the "bottle" to.

Chris McCandless, a delusional fool? Maybe. But as already said, he lived more in his few years than I and many others ever will.


Maker Plus and Trader
Nov 17, 2008
Eceni county.
Very good movie.I liked it alot.Very thought provoking and moving.Nothing wrong with following your dreams, just make sure you're prepared!
Agreed, superb soundtrack too.
Oct 6, 2008
Selfish, naive, idealistic, or to put it another way...young. I expect many of us have had those attributes at some stage of our lives.

He was also altruistic and from what those who met him on his journey say a positive influence on the lives of many.

And yep, its a fantatsic soundtrack. A little aside here, I ordered it for my wife for Christmas but let the cat out of the bag last night. She looked at me pityingly and handed me the copy she had bought me for Christmas. Fantastic.


Jan 21, 2006
North East UK
Until the North American and Canadian authorities began preventing access to the interior to anyone who wasn't packing a bare minimum of provisions just about everyone who went over there seeking a new beginning could just as easily be labelled.

I think defiant naivety was very likely, where the young tend to think that they are indestructible and that anything disastrous couldn't possibly befall them, no matter what.

It's one of my all-time favourite films for a number of reasons - I think most of us can find a lot we can relate to and at least some of us wish we'd had the spuds to do something similar (but with a somewhat more successful outcome) when we were younger :)


Jul 10, 2010
I would like to point you to this article. It would appear that the accounts of the cause of Chris' death in both book and film are factually incorrect. I found the alternative a bit more sobering.


That is a very good read, thanks for posting the link. Serves me right for believing in Hollywood! (now I have to read the book, I have only seen the film).


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Im with TylerD on this subject,was going to travel round when younger with a mate(he went on to do it) i met a girl and did'nt now 43 and wishing i did although with 3 young kids impossible now, i agree with Rik-uk3 in one way in that he(McCandless) did seem a bit well mad for want of a better word,and whilst there's nothing wrong with working all your life etc, the thing that i think about is that when your older you can look back and say to yourself i did what i wanted, in a strange way it reminds me of my Grandfather telling me his war stories(i know it was a bad time,and he never glorified it in fact he hated most of it) they kept me facinated for years as a child ,and i equate this to people who have climbed Everest,Sailed round the world,lived in the wilds etc etc,what great stories they must have to tell.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
What i draw from the story is a young man's Odyssey of spiritual enlightenment , questioning the mundane almost pre-planned existence that everyone around him seemed to think was the 'right'way to live one's life.
Yes , he died , but I think there are far worse ways to die as a human being than having the determination to walk a different path.


Mar 4, 2010
Northwich Cheshire
Wilson, Scott, Oates, Bowers, Evans .
? don't understand.

He did not train enough, took the wrong (if any) kit with him, went to the wrong place and starved to death, not a hero, just an idiot.

Sorry , I should have explained . At least he only took himself .

Cheers , Trev .
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