I'm upset and angry and I need to rant!


Jul 21, 2013
I guess that could be a problem but I kind of know where what cat lives where in my area. Also a lot of people put collars or micro chip there cats


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I completely agree with everything you have said santaman. As both of us hunt and know the many different aspects of hunting that's enjoyable the one thing any good hunter prides himself / herself on is a clean kill that minimises the suffering of the quarry. For this reason poisoning and animal is not a clean kill and causes unnessacery suffering. If said animal is harassing you or your family. I would start by approaching the owner about it and if nothing's resolved then shoot it. But give the owner warning and a chance to change the animals behaviour. Especially when they probably have no idea the animals even behaving in that way. I have a GPS cat tracking collar and I was amazed by the territory that they patrol everyday. Which I have checked out to see if they are going places they shouldn't or are causing problems. I think a bit of mutual respect to start with between naghbours would have stopped anything like poisoning a pet happen.

Agreed. Most of us want good neighbors; that usually begins with "being" a good neighbor. If the situation permits, I'll have a talk with the owner of problem animals first.


Jun 22, 2009
South Wales
On a more serious note I wonder if communities will ever jump on the social network bandwagon and start having community pin board type pages to make communication between neighbours more easy. Post up 'dear owner of fat ginger cat with 2 white paws. We need to talk' or something. I'd love to think this would work but I think I know the internet too well...


May 17, 2008
north west uk
Its a known problem that cats like antifreeze/ windscreen wash its also difficult not to spill the stuff when topping up.i have to dab up with kitchen towel and sluice away residue with a hosepipe in case of splillage.(We have 2 cats) recently i found lidl selling screen additive with a bitter substance added to make it unpalatable.. it didnt cost more than standard, in fact was cheap. so why can it not be made a required additive to all ethelyne glycol based products sold? it is a danger to humans who purposefully ingest it and it would be no different to the small/taste /purple colour that is a compulsory additive to methylated spirit in the uk to address a similar problem? That said , a human who wishes to kill a cat will probably find means to do so. There are also sugar substitutes available in supermarkets that are attractive/ lethal to dogs and have been used to bait/poison them. i would say there are breeds of cat that can live happily indoors but most require freedom or are being kept cruelly against their nature. As a potential owner it is down to you to assess if you live somewhere where it is acceptable for the cats sake and the neighbourhoods sake to have a free roaming pet. Density of cat population would have to be a factor in this as we know they can cause predation problems for threatened birds etc if cat population is too dense (otherwise they keep the bird /rodent/ rabbit /squirrel population "fast and smart" by means of Darwinian selection, as a vet once remarked to me.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I really don't think the argument that "keeping cats indoors is cruel" holds water. All animals want to roam - it is the nature of animals. Anyone who has kept goats knows they are amazing escape artists, budgies will fly free in a heartbeat, rabbits will dig their way out of enclosures with earth floors, dogs will run out and roam. All animals want to be free to do what their animal instincts tell them and will roam around if allowed - some will return, some will not. Unless someone can point to scientific evidence as to why cats are different to all other animal species in a manner that requires them to roam, I simply don't buy that it is any more cruel to keep them indoors than to keep a canary in a cage.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
It's not just the unmentionable swines who put antifreeze out for cats that is bad.

How the hell do you deal with the thug with the sort of mentality that thinks it's ok to do this sort of thing?

Well, the normal knee jerk will be to ban catapults!

The right thing of course is to blame the person responsible and lock them up - which thankfully is what happened


May 5, 2013
United Kingdom
Sorry but to go back to where this thread got derailed in the first palce - with Mountainm. I hate the self sanctimonious rantings of parents - nothing should inconvenience their precious offspring. Frankly nobody asked you to breed, the last thing this planet needs is more children. Breeding humans will do more damage to a small bird population than any number of cats. This post started an the very sad note of what is most likely animal cruelty. Since you are a well established poster on here (I am taking the liberty to assume that this is not a piece of random trolling - I may be proved wrong). I am well aware that some people do not like cats; and yes if you do not have a cat yourself then your garden will be a target for marking. You might like to try and understand how animal behavior works; there are products that are sold in garden centers that are supposed to encourage them to stay away. While I am fortunate not to be a neighbor of yours please remember that many of us find the shouting and screaming of children around their homes and gardens very annoying as is also their presence in public places such as restaurants etc. As you come from the Peoples Republic of South Yorkshire do you not know that "all property is theft" - so you do not really own your garden anyway!


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