I have been so stupid!


Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Stradishall, Suffolk
I got my DD 3x3 tarp up in the garden and I was doing a bit of digging. I found a sharp stone about the size of a fist and decided to throw it over the fence into the field behind me. I threw it underarm and hesitated just as I was swinging my arm as it had to go over my tarp. The hesitation caused me to throw it straight up rather than forward and it came straight back down and ripped straight through my tarp!!!

I feel so stupid and annoyed with myself!!!

Anyone else had a similar incident?


Full Member
Mar 2, 2015
Loch Lomond
Not bushcrafty, but I hit my three year old in the eye with an oversized novelty shuttlecock yesterday if that makes you feel any better. She's fine, but I feel terrible.

How big is the hole? Worth fixing? Tenacious tape seems to be the repair method of choice on here.


Moderator staff
Oct 6, 2003
It was very community spirited of you to post this salutary lesson for the benefit of the other members, although a more descriptive title might have made it more accessible. ;) As a fellow chap who likes inspirational quotes for signature lines, have you seen this one? "It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others" :rolleyes: Sorry...it just popped into my head as I read your post!

I did once manage to break my parents' garden shed window with a very ill advised throw of a sun-baked hard ball of clay sub-soil:eek:. And there was a case where I let a friend show me how to set up my Hennessey Hammock for the first time, and he promptly broke the structural ridge line...I got it replaced by the distributor and stupidly allowed the same friend loose on the replacement...30 seconds later he had broken the cord AGAIN! If I ever do something like that myself, I may just keep quiet and hope no one notices!


Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Stradishall, Suffolk
Not bushcrafty, but I hit my three year old in the eye with an oversized novelty shuttlecock yesterday if that makes you feel any better. She's fine, but I feel terrible.

How big is the hole? Worth fixing? Tenacious tape seems to be the repair method of choice on here.

Well my 3 year old was on the back seat of the car and I was sitting in the front and he asked if he could look out the window so I put it down but the back one doesn't go right down and just as he put his head out he slipped and knocked one of his front teeth out on top of the glass! Why didn't I see that coming??? And of course I am to blame according to her indoors! I feel so guilty for spoiling his perfect little smile :(

Did you get it on camera? You could be in pocket for a video like that, where I am out of pocket :(

It should be repairable but I am a bit OCD about things not being perfect. Also the resale value is out the window now.

It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others" :rolleyes:
I think that quote sums me up quite well!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Sorry for laughing folks but reading that made me barflaugh, you know those laughs that burst out of you like an Alien from John Hurts chest, maybe you could make some waterproof stuff sacks or something from your tarp remnants


Full Member
May 23, 2014
I'v had a repair in my thermarest since 2002 and its still going strong, just fix it and use it dude, it adds character

And far too many stupid stunts to list :lmao:


Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
I've knocked a light off the ceiling and ruined a family's Christmas, taking a jumper off once...
It was in my mate's house, invited for Christmas dinner , I was late and his whole family was kindly waiting at the table for me. 3 generations...
Food and drinks at the ready.
Needless to say , out of all the lights, I knocked the one over the dinner table and glass flew everywhere thus making all that food inedible.
Now that was stupid.
You just need tenacious tape...

No connection with the company,
I'm not selling it's a true story.
Last edited:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2009
Sometimes it hurts when a bit of gear gets some damage, these things happen, none of us are perfect, to err is human as they say.

I'm in the repair and get on with it brigade. Makes your gear individual, adds character and I enjoy the fact that I've kept something going for a bit longer.


Full Member
Aug 24, 2012
I bought one of the DD tarp faulty tarps. When it ripped I repaired it with tenacious tape. That was years ago and it's still going strong. Thanks for sharing though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Jan 4, 2010
S. Staffs
Exhaust pipe fell off the car. I realised that most of it was OK, so I opened the boot and pushed it in - right through the front windscreen.



Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
I'm in the repair and get on with it brigade. Makes your gear individual, adds character and I enjoy the fact that I've kept something going for a bit longer.

The repair and get on with it brigade is a very helpful one, and seems to be growing in numbers...
I've joined a only a few months ago and the satisfaction of bringing something, you thought was "dead" , back to life, is almost as rewarding as lighting a fire the primitive way or catching your dinner.
The learning process is as rewarding as the results...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.