how much kit do you have


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
I have 2 sets of kits; 1 traditional/natural, because I love that stuff and 1 ,what I call tactikit; more modern and in various shades of (olive)green, which I use when learning and/or trying new skills.
Besides that, there's plenty of stuff for my wife and kids too...


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
I've gone from a total kit head in my youth to basic stuff; If I won't use I don't buy, if I don't use I pass on although I've seven or eight tents, need to get shot of them really.


Jun 6, 2010
Ive got far too much, but still keep buying. I think its some sort of addiction. Ive just found heinnie haynes so theyre getting most of my pennies at the moment, I just cant resist the shiny kit and then need bags and pouches to put it all in.
I keep telling my girlfriend that its not a waste of money and that I will use it all, I did try to argue about various pairs of shoes she got years ago and still hasnt worn but that just made her say that I never take her anywhere nice enough to wear them, so am having to sneak new kit into the house! :eek:
that sounds very familiar mate


Full Member
Jul 11, 2010
Under a tree
Very little. One hammock, one cookset, one sleeping bag, one tarp, etc. I only keep what gets used. Other than my dossbag I can fit all my kit into the external pouches on my bergen. The only superfluous items I have are knives - they seem more addictive than most other items of gear.
Far too much!
I have kit that I use regularly, kit that I use occasionally, kit that I can't remember ever using but keep "cos it might come in handy one day" and a load of gear I'll never ever use again - mostly climbing gear. Tried to sort through it not long ago when I moved house with the intention of throwing everything that was past its usable life. Problem is everything I picked up had fantastic memories linked to it (old harness - but wait - I learned to climb in that, hex on a rope - needs to be binned - ah but wait, we abseiled off that down the TD gap in Skye in 2000 - can't possibly throw that... etc). Sad I know. Guess I'll just stick it in the loft and look at it now and then!


Jul 21, 2011
I blame Heinnie for the amount of kit I have. My mrs asked me the other day how many knives I have. Needless to say I happened to "forget" to mention a few, just so she wouldn't think i'm some kind of maniac! Even I was worried when it got into double figures and then kept rising! Not all are bushcrafty knives - I use a lot for work and EDC, but still, there's a LOT!

The rest of my kit I got when I had very little income, so I've got 2 rucksacks (getting rid of one though), one gas stone, loads of hexi stoves that I seem to have magically acquired, 2 doss bags (one summer, one winter) and then a few other things like mugs, KFS sets etc. It's just the knives really. And torches. I have loads of torches.

Big T

Aug 12, 2011
I have a large amount of personal kit - 3 different bags, 3 sleeping bags, 2 thermarest mats, 2 camping chairs, 3 tents, a folding barrow plus all the extra. My excuse to my mum is that I need all that to be adaptable for different seasons and lengths of stay. It fills my bedroom...


Aug 11, 2011
Abergavenny Wales
A wardrobe full , thats without the clothing , I do tend to buy kit for any of my Interests at the drop of an hat so must sort out and sell what I don,t use some of which is unopened packaging.


Jul 27, 2011
I've gone from a total kit head in my youth to basic stuff; If I won't use I don't buy, if I don't use I pass on although I've seven or eight tents, need to get shot of them really.

Same here, no matter how much it appeals, I ask myself do I really have a use for it?

I also find myself a lot more cost concious now, in that 30 odd years ago I bought the Wilkinson Sword survival knife, whereas now, I'd struggle with my concience to pay (inflation adjusted) that sort of money for what is, really, just a tool. Despite financially being in a far better position.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
I've got plenty but there's always something new to add to the collection... :rolleyes:

However if you were to ask my wife she would take a different view and say I had way too much kit even if I did reduce my rucksack's down from 5 to 3 and she just can't understand why I need 5 different sized tarps as well as a parachute :lmao:


Nov 16, 2009
South Wales
I'm currently downsizing alot of my kit except for my rucksacks, knives, cooking equipment and water bottles with metal mugs.

Everything i have more than 1 of or stuff im not using im putting in the swap shop and then ebay when i get round to it


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
I do not have as much as Mesquite!

I would like to point out that a lot of my kit is for communal use like fire pit and range, parachute, large tarps, hurricane lanterns etc. :rolleyes:

If I didn't have it John, Roly and myself wouldn't have been as comfortable (or dry) during our time at the moot :lmao:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.