how much kit do you have


Jun 6, 2010
iv bin going over my kit with the intention of selling off a few items i no longer use but always think at some point id wish i hadnt let it go, i have for example four axes but only two get used often.
i was wondering if you tend to keep one kit that all gets used or like me you have a collection.
thanks ash


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 6, 2011
East Sussex, UK
I've got a load of stuff I collected as a teenager that I should get rid of, really. Have more-or-less started from scratch this time round


Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
I've got loads of kit. I like kit ... :)

I started with the basics. Read threads, spoke to people, tried kit and bought kit. Sold it and bought some more. I'm curious by nature so I just want to try things when I read about it or see others use it. Hence I mostly buy it. Find it doesn't work for me and move on, or find it's OK and keep it untill I found something better, lighter, cooler, etc. I think it's a bit of an ongoing spiral ...

Though, for some reason I can't sell kit I got from loved ones ... No matter how useless it is (for me, or in itself).


Nov 14, 2010
Maybole, Scotland
Having only got into bushcraft about 2 years ago I have somehow managed to amass quite a bit of kit, started off buying as cheap as possible, then moved onto cheapish kit then realised that wasn't the answer either so over the last year I have been purchasing less and less but much higher quality stuff. And woodlore wasn't a good find for me, has cost a bloody fortune :lmao:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
I have a hard time parting with stuff. I've still got the army surplus mess tins that I got from Wakefield's Army & Navy Store (remember them?) in about 1963 when we did Duke of Edinburgh at school. Still got the OS maps I bought then too, but the canvas pack fell to pieces decades ago. I've still got the sleeping bags that I bought for my first camping trip with my girlfriend in 1970. They don't see a lot of action now but they do get called up occasionally. I buy stuff under the pretext of trying things out, new and better ways of doing things, whatever. But I suppose really I just like playing with my toys in the woods. :)


Nov 14, 2010
Maybole, Scotland
Isn't that the truth :theyareon

i usually have look then go and find it someplace else, that way you don't pay the RM Tax

I think sometimes though if you shop around woodlore doesnt tend to be too bad for most things, it's just the fact that you know you are getting quality kit and I have to admit that I'm a bit of a sucker for having uncle rays name embossed on my stuff, quite sad but it's slighty easier to explain to 'glampers' why you spent so much money on an item, it is usually some of the best available.

My technique however is to go on woodlore then straight to google shopping and go from there but there has been a few times I've ended up back at woodlore.


Jun 8, 2009
There is so much kit, I need a spare room for it..... A bushcraft studio :D :D I like the idea..... I have some space. Let's make one!

I'm working on a bushcraft studio. Will show you the pics when it's done ;) Most of my kit is "home made" or some old stuff that I have for ages, but now there is a bit toooo much for me to keep it sorted, so I decided to make a room for it all.


Nov 16, 2009
South Wales
I have slimmed down my kit alot recently!:)
Maybe we should all take a photo of out camping equipment? :p

In the shed i have a few tents, camping chairs, sleeping bags, roll mat, bags and small items that are rarely used and in the house i have all my knives, air rifle, cooking equipment, stoves, water bottles, clothing, folding saws, first aid, torches, fire lighting kit, basha, army poncho, dry bags, leather pouches, paracord and bungee cord and kit i use more often
Mar 1, 2011
Fife, Scotland
When i started i had a lot of stuff. Most of it was pointless and the rest was crap.

Used to have 4 or 5 knives, now i only use one.

i only have 9 items of kit.

If i don't use something a lot, i get rid.

My comfort level is very low.

Perfectly happy to eat with muddy fingers, sleep on wet ground etc.
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Nov 16, 2009
South Wales
I dont have a great deal of kit- a shelf, two storage boxes and a stacker but i duplicate items for some reason..
I liked the opinel knifes so i got a no6, no7 and two no8's
I have a few knives, most were swapped/gifts
3 hexi stoves
about 10 torches
6 firesteels
3 folding saw's
ive got a few leather pouches because i think they look nice
2 nalgene bottles
2 nato water bottles
3 crusader mugs
a few permanent matches
and 4 single walled stainless steel mugs with folding handles

When i trust an item i tend to bulk buy but alot of my kit was swapped for items i didnt use and such


I had more than enough when I was younger, then I got into living history and got a serious amount of kit for that too.

I joined here and found that there were better versions of almost everything I already had so I started replacing bits.

I adapted the old bits to make new bits and then started making bits from scratch.

The old bits I didn't recycle I took to the moot and sold to fund some new bits I couldn't afford before.

Then I started modifying some of the new bits to make them fit in better with the adapted old bits and the bits made from scratch.

Now the old bits looked like new bits and the new bits looked like old bits and I definitely had more than I needed.

Well I needed something to carry all it in so....

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Aug 4, 2011
this is a cool post, i tend to sell of what i dont use, if i get a lot of use out of a item i stick with it,


May 6, 2011
Rainham, Kent
Ive got far too much, but still keep buying. I think its some sort of addiction. Ive just found heinnie haynes so theyre getting most of my pennies at the moment, I just cant resist the shiny kit and then need bags and pouches to put it all in.
I keep telling my girlfriend that its not a waste of money and that I will use it all, I did try to argue about various pairs of shoes she got years ago and still hasnt worn but that just made her say that I never take her anywhere nice enough to wear them, so am having to sneak new kit into the house! :eek:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.