I had various first aid trainings. I guess here in Holland they have a bit of a different system of courses, but I am confident that I can be useful in case of emergency. In any accident you have to improvise anyway, so boosting your knowledge and confidence by doing a course is very useful in my opinion.
For myself I'm very confident in bringing my girlfriend whenever on a big trip. She's a doctor, that helps a lot'. However, the stuff she regards as absolutely necessary :shock: my god, that's another two pounds in drugs and bandages.
Talking about drugs

guess where she is working! O.k. I live in Amsterdam, and what do you guys think of when hearing amsterdam? Admit it, it's drugs. Well she works at the city clinic for homeless and drug addicts. She's one of the few people in the country that can administer prescripion heroine or whatever makes you happy.

Not much need for heroine or methadon, but I can imagine situations where a shot of morphine is the thing you might want most. :shock:
Well never had to and hope I never will. Burns, cuts, blisters, that's about the worst I came across in the woods.