Hobo Stove Gallery (Probably picture heavy)

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I finally got around to making up a cover / bag for my stove even though I have no billy yet to put on it. But I figured whilst I have the time to attempt it I might aswell.

Boot fairs are your friend, I got a set of three kitchen stainless steel tins with lids last year for a project which has since been forgotten and had a spark of imagination one day to see if I could build myself a hobo stove again (previous attempts using solely my imagination had failed, so you may see some likeness to other peoples designs).

This is what it would have looked like before I took it into the garage...

I had stumbled across Wayland's website, then this one and that is when I took pen to paper to rough out a plan of attack because I would be using a battery drill and had to make the most out of it. Also I have a thing about symmetry and its easier to allow for that on a flat surface.

After making my template, I taped it on to the can, wandered in to the garage then started to dent every hole with a large hammer and big pointy thing (now a blunt pointy thing). Batteries on the drill were now charged and this is when I found out that all the drill bits I could find were pretty much blunt :( . Fortunately for me I managed to get a guy in the toolroom at work to sharpen them for me, so last weekend I drilled all the holes and cut out a fuel feed opening in the middle.

Imagine this next picture without the burnt tinge...


I fired it up again today to take some action pictures, main camera was flat so resorted to phone camera. I don't have pine cones available in my garden, so during the week I had popped down to the local cemetery to pick up some spent ones from around the paths.

Yesterday I called into my local surplus shop to buy a new belt and see if they had any off cuts for the purpose of bag making, I left with two new belts, a random quantity of para cord and two legs.

Now, I don't claim to be any good at sowing though that said I am no stranger to a sowing machine or a needle and thread. So please forgive the next couple of pictures of the bag I made from one of the legs.




I'm happy with it, I had fun making both the bag & stove and isn't that the point - enjoyment and a feeling of accomplishment? Comments welcomed, criticism will be expected but I may cower in the corner for a bit first.

Thanks again for all those who inspired me.
Finally finished flogging my dead horse.
I couldn't find (read "didn't seek very hard") the wood gas stove; so the boy and I came up with the fourth image as our best bet.

Once more, with pictures ?
(having trouble using wife's Mac)





The point of Rocket stoves is the insulation around the flue to keep the exhaust as hot as possible. Looks like yours needs a jacket. Looks like it will fit into one of those 5 pint Heineken beer barrels. Seems like a good excuse to empty one.
i really like the idea of the tomato soup tin :)
in relation to this subject i purchased a new 12cm zebra billy can today from my sort of local bushcraft shop. (i am not affiliated)
he has cottoned on to the idea of the hobo stove and has made up some ready made kits using 10cm billys and a the ever popular ikea cutlery stand.
a little pricey for me and i dont like the size of the 10cm ones anyway but seems like a good way of buying a set if you cant be bothered to source the parts.
i really like the idea of the tomato soup tin :)
in relation to this subject i purchased a new 12cm zebra billy can today from my sort of local bushcraft shop. (i am not affiliated)
he has cottoned on to the idea of the hobo stove and has made up some ready made kits using 10cm billys and a the ever popular ikea cutlery stand.
a little pricey for me and i dont like the size of the 10cm ones anyway but seems like a good way of buying a set if you cant be bothered to source the parts.

mmmm Mine cost less than a tenner and also fits into the Army pouch:


It's not that clean now. Also agree with Wayland the fun is in the sourcing and construction
well each to their own! i couldnt afford to plump for the kit but i've already been tinkering my billy can and i have ground off the bail arm and replaced it with a stainless steel plug chain.
next task for me and my mate (who brought one too) is to source a can/container to fit around the outside. wilkinsons here i come!
well each to their own! i couldnt afford to plump for the kit but i've already been tinkering my billy can and i have ground off the bail arm and replaced it with a stainless steel plug chain.
next task for me and my mate (who brought one too) is to source a can/container to fit around the outside. wilkinsons here i come!

another one whos going to get some strange looks in wilkos:lmao:. i'm sure some people think your filling the tin up to steal owt inside :(

another one whos going to get some strange looks in wilkos:lmao:. i'm sure some people think your filling the tin up to steal owt inside :(

excellent! the security guard in our local wilko's is a right walter mitty lol
he's about 20 and he told my mate last year that he was a 'private military contractor' in iraq last year lmao the idiot doesnt even know the phonetic alphabet, he referred to a known shoplifter over the radio (using initials) as 'gibraltar charlie':lmao: made the guy sound like a hong kong rentboy.
the only action he's had is playing call of duty 4 on xbox live.
to find the right pot i normally just take in a tape measure and if challenged i explain its for feng shui reasons.
I did make some that were insulated and built in a 1 gal paint can and it does work well but this was a project to make it as light as possible and as you can see it works very well indeed with only a few sticks it gave a wicked flame, I will be making one along the same line but shorter to make it more compact I used a 4 inch pipe and will see how a 3 inch pipe works for the next one....

The point of Rocket stoves is the insulation around the flue to keep the exhaust as hot as possible. Looks like yours needs a jacket. Looks like it will fit into one of those 5 pint Heineken beer barrels. Seems like a good excuse to empty one.
Hi all,
when i first saw hobo stoves about a year ago i throught i should make one , as i do a bit field sports , fishing ,camping & canoeing . The plus side of these is massive i am amazed that no company makes these , there is free fuel just about every where.

This is my first stove which i made about a year ago with a meths side burner, i used this alot & now a few of my mate use them .


That one didnt cost a penny so about 2 weeks ago i made this one but this one cost me 27 quid are buying new dremmel bits s/s container & billy can.


This the complete outfit .


I had noticed a few people had drilled the extra bowl out to make a steamer/strainer , i wanted to keep the bowl so i made this out of the lid which was doing nothing.


This is a hot plate for BBQ ing which is made from a bit of mild steel .


This is it packed down.


Here is a couple of pic s burning wood & using the tranny meths burner which i prefer over coke can burners .



& hot plate



At present i keep it in a money bag , i was hoping maybe some one on here could make me one out of some duck canvas which i have and i will pay for their services.I hope you enjoy the pics & thankyou fellow members for inspiring me to make it:beerchug:
A few weeks ago one of my backpacking blogging buddies wrote a wee review on his new bushbuddy stove. I thought this sounded fantastic, but so was the price at about sixty quid or some such.:eek: I mentioned this to middle son who said "Why don't you make one from a cutlery drainer?" I thought what a crazy idea! Ha! :) But I searched the net and found this thread and the idea did not sound so crazy after all! In fact I saw a home-made stove was a much better idea. Cheap and fun!

I found a 11cm Stainless steel cutlery drainer in Tesco for £3.50 and a 10cm stainless steel canister - a set of three for nine quid. I ripped open the cardboard packaging around the set of canisters in the shop to check it would fit in the drainer as they did not give the sizes.

The Tesco drainer does not have as many holes as some drainers, so I added 8 approximately 10mm holes around the bottom, then cut the fuel opening in the front.

I drilled 4 holes about 3cm from the top of the stove to fit 2 steel tent pegs to act as a pot support.

The stainless steel canister was made into a 'made-to-fit' billy. I drilled two holes near the top and added a bail made from a used bike spoke.

It only took a small handful of sticks to bring half a pot of water to the boil – probably a couple of mugs. I used another tent peg to raise the handle and lift the pot off the stove and the pan handle from my MSR pan set to pour it.

I think I’ll add a lid from the pan set or a paint pot lid for a pot lid. The canister came with a lid with a clear acrylic insert, so although it good to store everything away is no use on the stove!

All the equipment for the stove (tent peg pot supports, pot handle, cotton wool, fire steel, wood shaving, matches) fits inside the pot, which fits in the stove. Then I simply slipped the whole lot in a canvas bag.

Ta to all the folks on here for the ideas!
Went to Tescos today inspired by this thread. They have a pair of 'biscuit' tins which fit inside each other for £4.50


Got them home drilled some holes and cut a fuel hole in the larger tin and hey presto got a hobo stove :) Tried it out with some wood shavings and sticks and it boiled up half the smaller can filled with water in about 2 minutes :) Very happy bunny now.

I would show pics but my DIY skills are not very good and my finished result is nowhere near as nice as the ones in the thread.

Thanks for the inspiration guys :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.