Help Required

As above, I have a knife I bought a while ago that would have been ideal as a Sappers tool, I think thats why I was taken with it from the start I had been looking for something similar all my Army career. A friends son has recently passed his basic in the Corps and is currently ready to go overseeas to Afghanistan, well the least I can do is let him root through all my surplus kit to make sure he is well equipped, trouble is I now need a sheath for the knife, I would love to do one myself but being kack handed and with only very limited leather working tools would not want to send him away with something that does not do the job intended. I know there are some superb craftsmen on here and if someone could sheath this knife for mr I would be happy to pay the going rate and all expenses.
Thanks in advance.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.