Thanks. That's the bit I forgot to look at until today.I found a flow chart which shows how to work out legality, let me find the link
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2024 Machete & ‘Zombie Knife’ Ban | Knifewarehouse
2024 Zombie Knife Ban Updates and Surrender Options with compensation
Please, everyone, if this is too drawn out for you, just skip it and read another thread. I know it's dragging on

Now for the weird but positive development: I visited the Police Station again this afternoon, whereupon the clerk at the desk rolled her eyes as she explained my earlier visit to a uniformed officer. I now presented various arguments, along with visible proof of the previous UK definition of what constituted an illegal weapon, which was a secondary argument they were trying to fall back on. Nothing to do with the zombie surrender scheme.
After another 20 mins of that officer checking things, the female clerk returned rather sheepishly and said, "Well, as it is, we can't find any reason to not return the knife to you". She appeared devastated at the fact that such a large and menacing blade could still be legal. Only that morning said that she'd phoned everyone - including the Home Office department that's supposed to advise police staff - even shown it to an officer who instantly declared it as a banned item for anyone to own.
Yes, I too was wrong and missed the bit about 'over' 8 inch blade length, when I'd assumed it was 8 inches period. But... they were completely and utterly 100% wrong themselves, but are supposed to be the ones administering this new law. If even they don't know, God help us.
I left, with with her looking crestfallen, shaking her head in disbelief and calling the surrender scheme ridiculous for allowing my type of blade to be legal.
They will apparently call me over the next few days as the storeroom is now locked and she's off for a few days. Also said they might hand deliver it to my address, as they don't want it carried anywhere. Think I'll pop in again tomorrow though, just in case they say it got destroyed on the 24th (end of surrender scheme).
By the way, told her the knife was used for bird watching. I enjoyed her reaction to that.
Will post again when/if I get it back.
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