Firstly, couldn't care less about the money anymore. Wanted to surrender it to the police station, which I did today, just so that I could come back here with the result. I knew it was a gamble, but what the hell. For the sake of £100 it's worth it.
1. Home Office form multi-page form with name, bank details email and phone.
2. Two eBay USA printouts from two different sellers showing the same knife selling for about $800.
3. Many printed pictures of said knife.
4. One letter, explaining that it's a 'work' knife... not a 'killing' knife.
At Police Station:
Paperwork handed over counter first, then told to sit and wait. 15 mins later a door opens and I hand knife over. Door closes and ten minutes later I'm informed that it doesn't qualify for any compensation (not even £10) as it only has an 8 inch blade, not 'over' 8 inches. Yet they say it's still illegal to own. I ask for it back, but told I can't have it.
They then run around for 30 mins when I ask for clarification. In the end they say the titled document:
The Criminal Justice Act 1988
(Offensive Weapons) (Amendment,
Surrender and Compensation) Order
... is an amendment and that the old pre-2024 law meant my knife was illegal anyway. I argued that's wrong, and that there is no reference to that old law, and that this amendment would surely supersede and replace anything previously put out by the Home Office. Fell on deaf ears, as they wouldn't have it any other way.
I point out that according to the diagram show in the above document document, (that I only just then became aware of, my mistake), if the blade is not over 8 inches and doesn't qualify for compensation, how can it be illegal - my mistake in not reading that bit. In fact the diagram first states, if not over 8 inches, no need to proceed. The reply from them was that the saw back edge makes it illegal anyway, regardless of the blade length. However, the above document then goes on to say,
"If your weapon does not qualify under this scheme you may still surrender it to the police, but you cannot claim compensation."
So, and I don't mind being a test case here, any advice on how to proceed, or is it even worth it? Like I said, I don't care about the money, but would like to inform everyone that I can on what actually happens. It's interesting to me

This will be useful for when they come after every fixed blade knife people on this forum own. Please don't say that won't happen. It will. Someone a few months ago in this thread said that they'll never get around to updating the law (or that it'll take an eternity to even get into gear). They were wrong. Fact: it was put into law within a few weeks of Labour getting into power.
Here's the info I found on the previous law:
An Act to make provision for and in connection with offences relating to offensive weapons.