Voluntarily handing in a large blade to the UK police

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Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
Sorry @spokenword - Maybe we should be discussing this aspect in another thread rather than yours about handing in knives voluntarily.

I’d need to ask the agencies responsible for the pathway how they’d feel about unrequested modification of their pathway, in order to allay my concerns.

I’ve trespassed a lot in my time but I don’t leave traces. I’ve walked very many public paths but again, other than eating the odd blackberry I don’t alter anything.

I have no idea how an agency would react but I can’t help thinking that if a well meaning team offered to do some maintenance then the agency would want oversight.

The specific tools used might be an issue under those circumstances. This is all hypothetical. I’ll see who I can talk to here in Shropshire and maybe find out.
Get a grip. Needing to go ask permission before clearing overgrowth on a path? Don’t be silly.
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Full Member
Jul 19, 2023
So much for “Leave no trace!”

Edited to add:
As stated above, I’ll talk to the local county agency and see what they say, then we will both know what we are talking about.

Now can we get back to @spokenword OP?


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
So much for “Leave no trace!”

Edited to add:
As stated above, I’ll talk to the local county agency and see what they say, then we will both know what we are talking about.

Now can we get back to @spokenword OP?
I have no issue with someone leaving the trace that they’ve opened a footpath back up.

You’re one of the worst for off topic chat so don’t feel the need to pull anyone else up on it either.
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Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
OK guys, I have a little experience of this from green lanes. It is the council and highways authorities responsibility to make all public rights of way passable and safe. If they do not, you're are entitled to clear such obstruction to enable safe passage - in my case I have taken a whole windblown oak off a BOAT. So, taking a cutting blade to clear a public right of way that is impassable is perfectly within your rights.
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