"Help for Heroes" - Charity Auction #3 Landscape Photography Weekend

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
If it's Ok with Red I would like to offer him my place BUT...I pay, as there is another volunteer driver in the list anyway so won't make any difference. He started this fund raising and offered his knife etc so only fair he be rewarded for his generosity.

If that's ok with everybody.


Thats fantastically genrous - however, quite seriously, I couldn't accept! Thats a staggering offer and amazingly kind - but I would (honestly) not feel right. I will however get you hog-whimperingly drunk on mead and firewine one night to show my apreciation of that offer! I also plan to trap Gary one day into a photo trip of my own ;)

I'm truly gobsmacked but pelase, go, enjoy the fantastic opportunity of a trip with Wayland and raise a glass to the guys who we are doing it for on my behalf!

That is a generous offer Matt. But I think you have a good point and if Red will accept I would like to top up his bid by £55 so that it matches mine (and I will donate the bid value regardless of the what lower final value is settled on).

Not only is this all the result of his efforts as Matt so rightly points out, but he has given us all a good deal of pleasure with his photography and the photographic id questions and I'd like to pay him back specifically for that.

I'm really touched but honestly I must decline. I'm amazingly touched by your generosity guys but I wouldn't feel right and nor would I wish to divert any "focus" away from the point of this.

Sincerely though - thank you very much.

Anyway you haven't won yet ;)

Well done guys for doing this, as an ex squaddie with alot of good friends out in Iraq & Afganhistan I know from speaking to them how much they appreciate this sort of support.

I only wish I could afford to give as much as you guys are.

Have a big round of applause from me and my mates!:You_Rock_
Although I did do alot of over time last month which is owed to me this payday, I might just come in with a last minute bid depending on the price of cause. But because I work shift and live in West Wales, Scotland might just be out of my reach for a w/end trip! Although I suppose if it was alright with Gorilla if he is still in the bidding if I could meet him up his way that could very well work. Watch this space.
Well that is true enough! Got some of your friends lined up to outbid us? ;)

Mind you I have this sudden fear of Wayland leading us out into a mid winter Scotland and it's been years since I last slept outdoors :p

Midwinter Scotland..... I'll be there this Saturday for 5 nights...nothing like it fantastic place to be, no tourists, no midges...heaven :D Think it's gonna be very cold somehow but hopefully I'll survive, the green arctic maggot's been down to -15 before. Quite looking forward to my French army rat packs though :lmao:

I honestly don't mind Red if you want to go because I get to travel a lot to Scotland, it just seemed fair as you've done so much to initiate the whole fund raiser on here.

When are you thinking of having the weekend? The only reason I ask is I have just been given the date for my knee operation (torn cartilage & stretched cruciate ligament).

Op is early Jan - but may not be fully up to tramping through the ulu for a few months and so may have to pull out of the auction! SORRY!

What are the rough plans Gary ???

Would it be meet-up Friday at some point then drive up to Scotland, snapping all day Saturday then come home Sunday ???

The original idea was to be completely flexible and organize it with the winner.

Since the plan has changed to include more people it's now got to be co-ordinated to fit in with everyone. That's going to be fun but I'm sure we'll manage somehow.

My current plans are either Scotland wild camping or Northumberland with bunkhouse accommodation of some kind.

Other possibilities exist but we need to get the winning heads together to organise it.

First we need to sort out a date that works for everyone.

Meet up would be Friday evening, more or less on location, but again if we can co-ordinate it there could be ways of sharing the transport to the location.

I would like to be able to shoot all daylight hours Saturday and Sunday wherever we are but can appreciate some people might need to be away earlier than that.

Sorry to be so vague but until I know the final participants it's difficult to nail down the logistics.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.