"Help for Heroes" - Charity Auction #3 Landscape Photography Weekend

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
So the top five bids are currently:

Mattk - £130 - ( Driver volunteer with free fuel )
gorilla - £115 - ( Driver volunteer )
SimonM - £100
British Red - £95 - ( Driver volunteer )
ady05 - £70

Bids above £70 to join the leaders. First bid at any figure takes precedence.

Must type faster....

All fine by me guys. I have an estate car and could drive if needed.

I'm so tempted by this. I even went and drooled in Jessops at lunchtime, but there is no way I can afford that sort of money just at the moment.

And yes, I know that its the photographer not the camera, and I shouldn't blame my tools, but then again that is what this weekend would be all about. <sighs> Maybe next time.
I'll stop now Mirius. I won't even tell you I was going to bring my Lee Reeves and the PFK for you to have a go with...........

Red ;)

I thought I'd put these piccies in as they were all taken on a 5mp compact camera which is the sort of thing you can but for under £100 now.

It really isn't about the equipment.
Does this count as landscape on a 3.2mp compact :lmao: look at the beautiful lines and sun striking the rear quarter :D


I know, I know, Wayland. Actually I have a perfectly decent SLR, though without any decent lenses.

Following a painful conversation with SWMBO. I think I have permission, though she isn't happy about it. I'm going to bid in at £150, but on the understanding that I may have to drop out once things are finalised. If I drop out then my place goes to whoever was next bidder, but remains paid by me - if that is OK with everyone.
Does this count as landscape on a 3.2mp compact :lmao: look at the beautiful lines and sun striking the rear quarter :D


I think some more work with the polish is called for Matt, actually ;) White though is a really hard colour to make look good. 2.0mp compact.

Well, as it was my suggestion that Wayland take more than one poopil (take that as pupil), I'll add the extra thirty squid to ady05's bid, taking him up to the ton.
As I'm in Egypt, I can't do it, but I want copies of the pics you take....
If I don't get them, the contract will be out.......
Here's a few sensible pics after a moment of childish behaviour a few posts up



About all I've really done is stuff like this and desperately wanting to know why when I do take landscapes I seem to lose colour with my camera, even thought about polarising lense to inhance sunny colour? Wish I knew more.......
Well I reckon that makes the top 5

Mirius - &#163;150
Mattk - &#163;130 - ( Driver volunteer with free fuel )
gorilla - &#163;115 - ( Driver volunteer )
SimonM - &#163;100
ady05 - &#163;100 (Cairo Del sending &#163;30 by camel ;))

Well, as it was my suggestion that Wayland take more than one poopil (take that as pupil), I'll add the extra thirty squid to ady05's bid, taking him up to the ton.
As I'm in Egypt, I can't do it, but I want copies of the pics you take....
If I don't get them, the contract will be out.......

may i say a big thankyou for your kindness its unbelivable how so many people on this site are willing to do things for other people :You_Rock_ all of you
Don't be bloody daft Mirius ! We are raising money here - I'm delighted to win and outbid other people! If we don't push the price up, then we aren't going to make money and thats what its all about!

I couldn't be happier

About all I've really done is stuff like this and desperately wanting to know why when I do take landscapes I seem to lose colour with my camera, even thought about polarising lense to inhance sunny colour? Wish I knew more.......

First thing to check is whether the lens is clean, assuming it is, are you using a lens hood?

If neither of these is the problem then it may be the contrast of the lens, some naturally produce flatter images than others.

You should be able to increase the contrast in photoshop / elements / paintshop pro / gimp or whatever. The easiest fix is usually the levels control, bring the clipping controls in a smidge at which ever end you feel needs more punch and see what happens.

As always make adjustments on a copy file not your original.
Always use a hood in sun and the camera lense is clean but I do use a Jessops UV filter. When I was in Peru all my photos were so washed out and greens looked nothing like what I saw with my eyes! I used kodak iso 200 film for landscape/general sunny photography.

I must save up and go digital :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.