Got To Post It Somewhere!


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Today is a really good day! Only gone and got a new permission, 80 acres of mature hardwood woodland, with water! In the beautiful Teign Valley! I have been trying to get a place to camp and hold meets up there since 2009! And today perserverance and a bit of good luck, got me some!

Too dark, to have a look tonight, but within the next few days i will be up there like a long dog! To take some pics, only shooting permission also!

OOH! I am all jangly! If thats a word?

Whoo Whoo!



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Let me know if you need someone to have a look with you :)

Hi Al, yeah mate, i am buzzin! Got to fit in with the landowner, but he seems a really laid back chap, done a little homework on him and all sounds good, it's going to be a few days, as he does not live on site, but will give you a shout.



Apr 13, 2010
East Devon
Hi Al, yeah mate, i am buzzin! Got to fit in with the landowner, but he seems a really laid back chap, done a little homework on him and all sounds good, it's going to be a few days, as he does not live on site, but will give you a shout.


Great, I'm nearly as excited as you hehe.


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
May I ask how you actually got it please?

No problem, i am always on the look out, and am quite a cheeky beggar, i have lived here all my life and have connections everywhere locally, and have always been straight with farmers and landowners from my tree surgery days, and although i know most of the above mentioned in the Teign Valley, they have all said oh no don't like the sound of that (bushcraft, people every where, cars privacy invasion etc etc) "You are welcome to camp on your own bey, but i don't want loads of bleddy people all over the place"

They are very guarded, some i have known all my life, it's not a trust issue, i have been turned down more times than i would care to mention, one particular farmer, i would have bet money was going to say yes, but was totally against it.

Anyway to answer your question, A friend has permission to shoot on the land, i got talking to him and of course i posed the question, a few days later, he came back with, "don't see why not" So a connection with somebody he knew and trusted.

So next is to be introduced properly, explain my intentions, and Bobs your uncle, I am diplomat, and am pretty good with people ( my mate knows he can trust me, so he then conveys,that trust to the farmer" Then there is the offer of a bit of tidying up, security, as he does not live on site, stock watching, poacher awareness etc, then the sweetner of a £5.00 per night, explaining the leave no trace ethic, Ray Mears name drop, never does any harm, when they give you that puzzled look at the word bushcraft.

Then finally, your fist meet, not too many, quiet in quiet out, no litter, you know the common sense stuff, a big thankyou and maybe a bottle of something, leave it a few weeks at least then go in again, don't hammer it, hope some of this makes sense.

I am very lucky as the people skills thing comes naturally to me, permissions are so hard to come by, i have been trying up this valley since 2009! And must have spoke to scores of people, before todays yes!

So i am on fire!!



Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Thanks Guys! For all the feedback and positive comments, it's great to share some fantastic news and for people to join in and understand just how much it means!

The other great thing is with me, is some of you get to come and share these special places with me, coz i love the whole woods camping with pals thing (No we would never have guessed!)

I just done a moon walk (very badly)

Hope i don't get sent to bed early, like a kid on coke (coca cola that is)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
Im from farming stock and can tell you 100% we do not like people all over the place, but are very partial to a bottle of single malt, Also well done on gaining permission to what sounds like a ideal location.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.