Funny places


Sep 1, 2005
Rainham, Essex, UK
Not sure if this goes here,so sorry if it belongs somewhere else.

Hi guys I found a army pen knife it has one blade and a can opener (Ray mears sell them on his web site) in the back of our large tumble drier at work!! the guy that cleans our overalls lost some cash down the back of it so armed with screwdriver we decided to get the cash, and discovered this knife. I have tried to put a photo here but me and geeky things :banghead:

Anyway I cleaned it up put a sharpish edge on it and now have a great little knife.

My question is, How many of you have found great bits of kit in odd/funny places?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
found an old messtin in local woods
which i cleaned up (very well) cut to shape, and is now a lid for my crusader cup!


and an old german army sleeping bag(the one with the arms) it was so wet it had a frog in it so i know it was not being used, i took it home washed it and sold it to a surplus shop for £20! :p

Jon Mawer

May 2, 2006
Taunton, Somerset
I lost my swiss army knife for about 10 months, looked everywhere for the damn thing. Any way, it was near christmas and I had asked for a replacement when I found the bloody thing down the side of the sofa (duh! where else would it be? :banghead: ). (Un?)fortunately my parents hadnt yet bought me another one, so I ended up with my favourite knife again. (I retired it about 4 weeks later anyway). My best find though is a basically brand new black mini maglite AA on the lawn at college! It even had a working set of batteries in it, how cool is that? At our local scout woods though, people keep finding knives, I've never seen one because everyone then proceeds to throw them at the nearest tree and then loses them imediately after finding them :( !


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.