Forest Knights Course Competition


Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
Here is your chance to win a free place on the Forest Knights Warrior Arts course.

Forest Knights is offering a free place for 2 people on this summers event.

Course Details.

Arrival 1845 Friday evening.

Finish 1500 Sunday.

What is a Warrior Arts Course I hear you cry? Put simply it's a weekend learning everything you need to know to combine Bushcraft and self defence into one integrated package to give you the complete Skills to be safer in any environment. Be it the Urban Jungle or the Arctic Tundra Forest Knights have the experience and instructor team to develop and challenge your skills.

By the end of the weekend you will learnt:

Effective Engery efficient Self Defence Skills.
Tracking Skills
Observation Skills
Dealing with fear and anger management.
Anti knife skills.
Team working and leadership in hostile environments.

This is a totally unique course in the UK and has taken 5 years to develop.

The course will be a mixture of practical sessions and lectures.

You do NOT need to be super fit. You do need a sense of humour and an open mind.

This is a Self reliance course so is self catering.

refreshments will be provided.

No previous martial arts or military background is required.

There will be a number of simulations and scenarios throughout the day and into the evening to reinforce your learning.

This course is not a military boot camp there is a major focus on fun.

It is open to anyone over the age of 14 with a parent or guardian attending.

To win your free place on this course I am looking for a pithy new name for the course Warrior Arts doesn't really cut it and I am far better at hitting people than slogans.

Come up with a new name and a paragraph describing why you would like to attend and what to achieve.

The usual course price is £225 per person.

Total prize value £450.

A runner up prize will be a place on the next BCUK Weekend ECP First Aid course.

If the winner cannot make the date of the next Warrior Arts course which will be held in the School Holidays to accommodate the Mod team that will be attending. You will get a chance to bash some of the mods.
The are welcome to reserve a place on as other course or sell their place on here or wherever.


Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
Tony, Lithril,Ed and Sargy were badgering me for the last 2 years to do one for BCUK so I finally got round to reducing the content to a manageable weekend.

You are most welcome to join the Mods group.

Just waiting for Lithril to give me some ideas when he can make it.

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!

I would very much like to attend the course with My friend Lou1661, when we sleep out together some times he looks at me with an intent that makes me slightly uncomfortable, It would be of great benefit to us both to be able to defend our selves from each other, the problems may arise when you add raspberry vodka to the mix, then there can be no defence!


Full Member
Dec 9, 2009
Modern Urban Awareness Techniques?

(Very worried about Southey though - the Raspberry Vodka condition sounds like it could be painful!)

The Big Lebowski

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 11, 2010
Sunny Wales!
The 'way of the warrior course'

A journey of discovery into self defence, self reliance and self development. Two hands, one mind.

I would personally like to attend because it sounds fantastic, what more could I possibly say?


Steve K

May 12, 2004
Eastleigh, Hampshire
What to call it?

Budo Bushcraft

Why to call it this?

Budo or martial way suggests more a way or a path rather than just the technical skills and Bushcraft is pretty self explanatory.

Why would I like to attend?

As an student of Aikido and a bushcrafter learning to track this course sounds the perfect combination!


Jun 26, 2008
Wilderness Countermeasures.

I never gave a paragraph.

Ummm.............. I would like to attend this course because ummmmm......
Should I ever have the misfortune of getting on the wrong bus and ending up in either Chard or Yeovil on a Friday night, these skills will be incredibly useful in getting myself back out of there.


Oct 25, 2010
Natural Defense

I would like to attend as I hope if would give me the knowledege and experience needed in the woods and urban jungle.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.