I can directly relate to that post Lister. I was behind a retired lady reaching her later years, she presented all her items to the till operator but held back a packet of biscuits and a few other non essentials. Her reasoning being she had little of her weekly monies left and what she had needed to cover the items of greatest need.
As it happened she was a few quid short.... She sighed to herself and carried on packing her bag with the other goods she could afford. I added those items to mine.... Paid for the lot and popped those items she wanted into her bag with a smile! I'm not well off but boy did I feel good! And to see the shocked but smiling expression on her face was just pure magic. I would say try it to anybody reading this.... Goodwill without explanation is not often seen anymore. Not trying to pat myself on the back but rather encouraging others to do the same.... Karma goes a long way. Pay it forward and it too will come back to you.
Well done!
It is an outrage to see the elderly, who depend on their pensions and who have been working and paying their dues all their lives, are being cut short in such an antisocial manner as they are these days.
They deserve a little something extra every now and then and I think you just made the lady's day or even week...
As for me....
My family and I just completed our first year here in Sweden and we are slowly... very slowly building up a new existence here.... Although progress is frustratingly slow I have seen my 3 kids grow in more than one way this last year and I am very, very prowd of them.... and of us, because we managed to get this far!
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