Strangest thing I ever encountered was a flying saucer,
me and 2 friends stood about 60 foot away from this thing - I could of thrown a stone at it.
It was about the size of coach but a circular craft with red and yellow port hole type glowing lights all around the bottom section.
It was pretty much silent and was just hovering there above some trees. As we watched it, it traveled along some distance then descended at which point it went out of our view. We did sorta approach a little to see more but everyone decided it was best to just go the other direction.
It doesn't stop me from going out and camping alone at night though I do sometimes think about it when laid there on my own.
I once encountered what people call "orbs" as well. They have a long history and used to be called will'o'whisps etc. What I saw was basically a glowing ball about the size of a football that floated along and then disappeared.
These types of things are pretty rare though so I wouldn't worry about them. Theres one thing for certain though we really know very little about the universe around us. Its nice to "believe" these things don't exist. It gives us security and comfort to think we have it all figured out and know what does or doesn't exist but I can tell you people are experiencing the unexplained and I know for sure its not just stories or imagination.
As to how real they are, how real is anything? We could be in the matrix for all I truly know! What are these things and where do they come from, well thats for you to decide or not. I prefer to just stay open and observe because thats all i can do - I'm not here to judge things.
thats enough of my philosophy and experiences anyway... take care all!