I started to read this thread last night (thanks to HHMBLT for sharing!!) and then got up at 8:00am this morn to finish reading it because I was hooked on Jonathan's 'nut job' story, tis freaky stuff!! There were a few other stories in there too which made me feel somewhat uneasy and gave me some funny dreams last night!!
As for the fear of the dark thing, I think for me personally, being a massive fan of the horror genre, I wind myself up way too much!! I read the stories, watch the films, then spend days lookin' over my shoulder, but I love the adrenaline rush of it all and I know most of it is me being silly haha!! I'm generally not afraid of the dark, I think living on a boat on my own has taught me to be tougher, although sometimes, I still get a little spooked and I think its wise for a young girl on her own to be a little cautious of whats going on! I must say, the dog gets pushed out the door into the dark first and shes the first one back in the boat, just in case haha!!
I havent really experienced anything spooky while out camping etc... I was in the A.T.C for 7 years, we did alot of wild camping and all night ambush type exersises, never really had a problem with that, never remember feeling scared or worried, mostly because there was always a bunch of people around, so I felt safe all the time, although, I do remember being woken up by a mouse or something running under my ground sheet once, that s**t me up for a good few mins until I calmed down haha!! I've had uneasy feeling in certain places or buildings before, but again, just put that down to my over active imagination!! Even though I love all those spooky type camp fire tales, I can calm myself down and rationalise things, just as quickly as I can wind myself up, most of the time anyway!
However, I do have a slight problem that only one other person (HHMBLT) knows about! It invloves swaying trees, mainly trees that make a creaking sound & human like dummies (like the kind you find in museums) and for good reason....
When I was about 9 or 10 (1995-ish) our school went on a trip to Sandwell Valley Park Farm. It was the last school trip before we broke up for the summer holidays, everyone was really looking forward to it and mom even brought me a pair of new trainers that flashed when you walked (very cool!!) We went to a part of Sandwell Valley, that I think was called Swans Lake!?! Anyway, the plan was, was to play around in that area for a while then go have lunch and look at the farm. The area was mostly thick woodland which surrounded a large-ish pond, in a big circle. There was a grassy clearing where we were all supposed to have lunch and from there there was a little path which lead to a very small pond. The class teacher spent most of the morning at this small pond, fishing and smoking, while the rest of the class ran around the area of the big pond, mostly unsupervised!! We were told not to get into trouble and under no circumstances, not to go down into the woods!!
The majority of the class did as they were told and played happily in the sun on the grass. However, a small group of 'naughty' children (me included!!) decided that playing on the grass was boring and an adventure is what was needed. So, myself and three of my best lad chums went off into the woods.
After about 15 mins of rambling around, we came across a very large tree, standing out alone from the rest of the other trees and to our horror, we looked up to find the hanging corpse of a man....
Now, most children of that age, im thinking, would run a mile, but not us! I dont think we knew what to do really and I dont think we really understood what we had just come across or how serious it was and being children, a natural curiosity took over.
We just stood there for what seemed like forever, staring at this man. I can, to this day, still describe to you perfectly every single detail and smell (but I wont!)
After a while, the wind picked up and the trees began to sway, one of my friends (I have no idea why) pushed the man and the whole branch started to creak.... this is when we suddenly got scared and ran to tell our teacher.
After we had explained what we had seen, we were then made to go back to show the teacher where the man was. I remember being more scared the second time I saw him and he made us stand there and tell him everything, all the while this poor man was still swinging. We were taken back to the grassy bit and told to stay put, which we actually did this time. (I think shock had set in by then)
A mom of one of my class mates was a nurse and she stood with the man while the whole class were hurried off in the direction of the farm.
After lunch, the police came to talk to those who had found the man. We each gave statements and our cameras were taken off us as one of the boys confessed to taking a picture. They told said it was a dummy left over from April fools, but we knew they were lying! We then had to walk around the museum (which was dark and spooky) where there were life sized dummies dressed as historical characters! (Probably not the best idea concidering what they had just told us!!)
Suffice to say, by the time I got home, I had developed a strong dislike of dummies amoungst other things!!
For years afterwards, I remember being a little jittery when I was out camping with my parents or later with friends and even now, sometimes going into the woods alone to practice my archery or take the dog for a walk, still makes me feel a bit nervous, even in daylight, but I dont let it stop me.
Whenever I go into woodland, Im reminded of the man, so walking through alone in the dark, isnt an option!!
Later, when I was a little older, I found out that It was a man of about 35, with a young family who had got into some money trouble and saw no other way out, very sad indeed.