well.....i did survive the dutch bushcraft weekend in Friesland....
nice to meet all the dutchies in person,learned a lot about them.
Techno Tjin,the chinese gadgetfreak,if you want to know what's for sale,...talk to him ,the answer wil be in technical numbers and codes.do'nt try to understand,just let him get you to the right shop for your tools.
Siep.the ultimate library man,has a lot of books and a box full of gadgets to learn from,knows a lot already.
Goof,now he knows how to make a knot that doesn't breaks at night,so you won't fall out of bed , made his wooden spoon (that doesn't melt in a hot cup of soup)and a handsaw for the weekend,he will get there...
Arjen,has his stuff wel organised,has to look out for sharp objects and stinging bushes,a good cook,liked his fish and potatoes,mmmm
Johan,the bigmouth that doesn't stop till you get him so ****** that he can only hold his beer and fall asleep ,still hangingh on to his beer when you try to get it....my kinda guy,my kinda humor,nice to meet and someone that knows how to survive -if nessasary a full nuke blast,he will survive with his homemade tools,not a man to die at the first impact
They all burned away every possible piece of material that was around,including my old piano, talked a lot and drunk some more,so...we had fun at this intro weekend .
next time we can do some more bushcraft practising,now we know who is who...
It was fun having these guys around,let's meet again,