Good day gentlemen. I am not a tree huger type, nor a total scorched earth Neanderthal, in my views toward nature. I try to follow a reasonable middle ground. I still have to drive a car to work, as opposed to the impracticability of riding a horse around here. I derive aesthetic pleasure from using fine tools such as wooden handled Swedish axes etc. But herein lies the dilemma. I also have fun using those "plastic" ?/polymer handled Fiskars axes. Those things are quite inexpensive around here while giving reasonable performance. I have great fun with the little Fiskars hatchets in particular. I suppose that I have some type of "poisoning the environment" peripheral concern in the back of my mind, a kind of guilt I suppose. Strange as my logic may seem, I feel better using my plasticy Fiskars closer to city environs, and my bio degradable Swede axes in more pristine areas. Twisted as that logic may be in the big picture. I also have a pile of plastic handled Mora's and I'm really not interested in the wooden options. Anyone else get guilt twinges now and then over using tools that will not break down naturally ?