Disposing of Teabags?

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it still leaves you with the pouch to dispose of; arguably more difficult than anything in a teabag which is all burnable or biodegradable.

Good point about teabags being a totally biodegradable package renders the OP question redundant really, I hate the Cumberland with goatboy on that one & if its sage that's in them that's probably the reason why. I cant stand sage
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Aye Up Alan 13-7,

Standard White tea (in (bio degradeable) tea bags) sold by Holland & Barrett;
Higher quality white tea (in a posh (non bio degradebale) tea bag) sold by the Tea Pigs company usually at delis and the like;
Loose leaf white tea - tea 'specialists'.
PS forgot to add in my original response - the tea reps reply to my question - "Where do fruit teas fit into the scheme of things?" -
"Fruit 'teas' - that's just warm squash isn't it?":lmao:

Whoops - work calls!
Sorry have to ask are your "back issues" reading material or a discomfort from back pain?

I'm a bit slow (i blame lack of sleep) if took me a day and a half to realise that was a joke, a good one too, unfortunately it is pain not a back catalogue of original marvel comics, at the moment huge amounts of it so much so i am doped up on opiates, can't walk, can't sit comfortable and can't sleep and even on the opiates i am in constant pain, if it stays this way much longer i am going to let them cut a chunk out of my spine and they have only given me 50/50 odds that they can make it better or worse, not sure how much longer i can take pain at this level even with constant opiates
......PS forgot to add in my original response - the tea reps reply to my question - "Where do fruit teas fit into the scheme of things?" -
"Fruit 'teas' - that's just warm squash isn't it?":lmao:

Whoops - work calls!

For real, what are fruit teas?
Have you tried the dried/granules Turkish style lemon or apple tea from Aldi/Lidl? It's mainly sugar but gives a nice lift on a misserable day. You could also always try making tea from what you forage. Nettle, larch/pine needles, wild mint and so on then you don't have to worry about introducing foreign matter into fragile environments. (Things like banana skins on high-ish mountain tops annoys me as they breakdown and affect the delicate balance of the soil).
Though I love a good cuppa tea or coffee most of the time I just drink boiled water these days. You could always drop a Tic-Tac® or Polo® into the water if you want a minty drink of a boiled sweet if you want something fruity or medicinal like horehound. Boiled sweets and the likes leaves you nothing to dispose of afterwards.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.

For real, what are fruit teas?

Never heard of fruit tea?

They're... well, they're kinda rancid. They literally taste like someone poured boiling water into cordial. Think Lempsip, without the taint of paracetamol!
Never heard of fruit tea?

They're... well, they're kinda rancid. They literally taste like someone poured boiling water into cordial. Think Lempsip, without the taint of paracetamol!

That is the best description of most fruit teas ever; and a lot cleaner that what my mates wife used to call them! (Not family forum friendly :eek: )

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
Some fruit teas are quite nice!
Rosehip and hibiscus, blackcurrant, blackberry etc are pretty good... not as good at breakfast as a good coffee but fine for a bedtime drink when you do not want caffeine :)
Something like 20% of the tea bag is polypropylene plastic (the rest being paper), and therefore doesn't fully bio degrade.
I'm a bit slow (i blame lack of sleep) if took me a day and a half to realise that was a joke, a good one too, unfortunately it is pain not a back catalogue of original marvel comics, at the moment huge amounts of it so much so i am doped up on opiates, can't walk, can't sit comfortable and can't sleep and even on the opiates i am in constant pain, if it stays this way much longer i am going to let them cut a chunk out of my spine and they have only given me 50/50 odds that they can make it better or worse, not sure how much longer i can take pain at this level even with constant opiates

Joking aside though bod.... You seem supper fit, I was surprised by your back pain comment, considering your love of canoeing & all things outdoorsy..... that must put a considerable strain on your back (great distances being traveled on water?) that & sleeping not on a comfy bed.... how do you cope? I suppose that's what you mean by being done in after a long day on the water..... Sorry to here its so bad I wish you well & hope the outcome is a positive one should you decide to go under the knife... thanks for sharing Bod.
i'm just stubborn, i am in pain if i stay still doing nothing at all sitting on a sofa and i am in pain if i sit in a kayak, if i had the choice i prefer the pain in the kayak, biggest problem is i never done all the things i wanted to do when i was young fit and totally able and if i don't do them now they get harder to do day by day, worst part is i still haven't climbed a mountain and it is gonna kill me as walking is the thing that hurts the most. When i write a trip report it is easy to edit out the swearing and moaning about my back, same as when i load a vid online i have edited out most of the bits where i am whinging like a big baby about my back and legs, if i seem super fit that is the magic of tv :lmao: i am 5ft 10 and 18st and can't walk without my stick or trekking poles :o
I haven't read this all through, but I have to say that while the contents do biodegrade, the wee bags don't always.
I compost everything, and Tetley (and some other) teabags don't rot down in a year in my compost heaps that are full of worms that literally eat almost everything.

I'd recommend either burning them or emptying them out and packing the outers as rubbish to take home.

Mis-spelling? Or sarcasm? I know I'm supper fit. LOL

Being Mildly dyslexic I do struggle with spelling.. so no definitely not sarcasm. I don't know bod well enough to make sarcastic comments such as that. & not my style anyway but thanx for correcting me, I blame bad teaching Ie Phonetics & ignorance of dyslexia.... I was 18 before I realized that there was a possibility that I might not be thick after all & started to question dyslexia , I went through school thinking I was thick & feeling like an idiot I Gave up trying... & concentrated on what I knew, I was good at woodwork metalwork & art... That's why my posts are mostly always edited I am very self concious.
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I haven't read this all through, but I have to say that while the contents do biodegrade, the wee bags don't always.
I compost everything, and Tetley (and some other) teabags don't rot down in a year in my compost heaps that are full of worms that literally eat almost everything.

I'd recommend either burning them or emptying them out and packing the outers as rubbish to take home.



OK hands up! On page 41 I agreed with santa & was possibly under the misapprehension that all teabags were, being made of paper, biodegradable... I stand corrected if I am wrong... Is there a time scale on biodegradable? Not looking for a fight here... Only asking?
At first I just returned them to the compost bin…..but after two goes through the thing, over two Summers, I gave up, literally pulled out every blasted one by hand and put them in the non-recycle bin.
They just don't break down well at all. I think there must be some plastic in them :dunno:

You do know that you can buy fill your own bags ? and they're washable and re-useable. I use them for home made mint or raspberry tea, and being the thrifty Scot that I am, I do re-use them :)

On t'other hand, one of these has to be the handiest tea strainer on the planet,

At first I just returned them to the compost bin…..but after two goes through the thing, over two Summers, I gave up, literally pulled out every blasted one by hand and put them in the non-recycle bin.
They just don't break down well at all. I think there must be some plastic in them :dunno:

You do know that you can buy fill your own bags ? and they're washable and re-useable. I use them for home made mint or raspberry tea, and being the thrifty Scot that I am, I do re-use them :)

On t'other hand, one of these has to be the handiest tea strainer on the planet,

I've spent similar hours of fun disentangling them from the tines of my garden fork... for several years in fact, after using just one teabag contaminated batch of compost.

Anyone thought about making breathable hiking socks out of them?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
They just don't break down well at all. I think there must be some plastic in them :dunno:

You do know that you can buy fill your own bags ? and they're washable and re-useable. I use them for home made mint or raspberry tea, and being the thrifty Scot that I am, I do re-use them :)

On t'other hand, one of these has to be the handiest tea strainer on the planet,


Well who knew? clearly you did, I never knew that you could buy "fill your own, washable and re-usable. tea bags", I like the idea of the tea ball, I had one, but I think I may have cannibalized it to repair a carburetor... "the handiest tea strainer" I've seen these before we had one for coffee....

Oh coffee Mmmmmm that's a good idea... Think I will just go grind myself some Kenyan AA & put the Bialetti on for a Nice cupa...


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