In reality its common sense so why do politians not see it putting the country in this situation. Same goes with our lack of manufacturing skills
I think santaman is quite correct - just be because the population on a species can reach a peak by using up finite and dwindling resources does not make it sustainable. There already water wars and famines in this world.
So, no, I don't buy into the doom and gloom merchants who are trying to sell me redemption from over-population as long as I do what they say. (...particularly if their instructions basically mean going back in time to pre-civilisation methodologies, and presumably a killing-off of 90% of the existing population...). Don't get me wrong, I'm all for reducing or reversing population growth, and there are encouraging signs that this is already happening - its in reverse in the West, and even the developing world shows a reduction in the rate of growth. But please, please give up on the inaccurate "statistics" and scare tactics that show we are all doomed...........................
The threat to British food supplies is potentially “disastrous”, according to the Global Food Security programme, which is run by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and backed by the government.
Andy, if you read carefully, you will notice that I published no statistics or scare tactics, nor was I discussing world population - merely food security in the UK according to a a scientifically led, government backed, report