Crusader Cup Fuel


Jul 2, 2005
Vancouver Island, Canada.
For my two cents worth on this thread:

1) I've used the green jelly stuff before and for my money, it just doesn't cut it.

2) I've got a few friends and family members in the CF who occasionally bring me hexy tabs from supply when they come home on leave.

3) I've tried US Army surplus trixoane tablets because they're dirt cheap. They're a little bit better than the green jelly, but not by much. The benefit of trioxane is that since they're so cheap, you can burn quite a few of them to boil a mug of water and not worry about the price. I have to be very careful with my hexy tabs because it's difficult for me to get a hold of them. And of course, trioxane doesn't muck up your canteen cup or stove like hexy.

Hexy still gets my #1 vote, though.



Mar 6, 2006
Kent UK
I agree with the water idea, it really makes a differrence.

I keep pure meths in teh bottle they come in and add the 105 water when i transfer it to my trangia bottle. :)

A friend uses sand in the cup and then pours in parrafin! It works well but makes one heck of a mess. :eek:

IME avoid BBQ lighter gell, its like napalm and I can ALWAYS taste it in tea of coffee. Not nice. :(

I tend to use my CC for just about everything, it gets a really nice BIG Cuppa :D and is just right for porridge, chinese takeaway.. and even a fry up. The food gets a bit mushy but stays nice and warm on cold days :)


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