USGI canteen cup systems. Rothco/Miltec vs Issue vs Jolmo Lander.

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The quoted issue cup volume is 24oz/0.68L, Rothco/Miltec looks close. I haven’t measured.
I’ve not noticed measuring marks in any of these. I do keep meaning to add some though.

The Jolmo is 0.75L to the very top, it appears to have slightly straighter sides so maybe that’s where they differ. Quite possible the originals volume is not measured to the top.

1.5L coffee!


It will be a good day.

Plenty of hot water for shaving at least.
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Lixada USGI cup and lid.

Lixada on the left. Dimensionally completely compatible with USGI stove and bottle. Very similar to the Jolmo cup.

The butterfly handles do clip together well. The primary difference is that there is a simple, removable bail handle that also pierces the lid rim.


If you want a lid that’s easy to take on and off while te bake is in place I’d suggest cutting slots in the lid to open the holes in the rim. The bail handle gets just as hot as the butterfly handles if left on.

Other differences are the Lixada lid has more drain holes and the handle is “athwart ships”.

For £8 (plus postage) not a bad item.
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As a addendum this my 1 quart canteen system. The items on the right, on the white paper above and below fit in the four pocket canteen pouch. The items to the left are “useful extras”.


1) Canteen Pouch, 4 pocket. The normal one is 3 so one of the portions below would be carried elsewhere. I think the Helikon essentials pouch would make a good alternative or upgrade.
2) USGI style cup - Lixada copy.
3) Lid, foil also works.
4) Stove stand.
5) Bail/handle.
6) Heavy foil wind shield, cut down Optimus in this case.
7) Nalgene Oasis.
8) Folding metal spork, instant coffee, screech powder or soup.
9) Ziplock bag with filter paper, water bag, puri-tabs and firecard tinder. Tape, bic lighter, book of matches & mini ferro (striker is crap pending replacement).
10) Ziplock bag, 2x fuel tabs, heavy foil as base to burn on, kitchen foil as prep surface.

Extra stuff:

Gloves for hot items, these will be in a pocket bag anyway.

An extra canteen that fits in the carrier so I can just swap them on the go. The Oasis will take very hot water so it can be a heater at bed time.

Long spoon if I am using packet meals. Lives with the grub.

Large fold-a-cup when not carrying two canteen cups. That way I can boil water make a drink and cook a meal in the remaining water.

Bottle brush (at home) it’s almost impossible to really clean a canteen properly with out this. Only using the canteen for water and pour into a cup to drink helps stop build up.

Denture cleaning tablets, I missed these out. To help clean the canteen.

Brew, always welcome.


Baby sitting so steak and dumplings for tea. The wind shield was something of an afterthought on set up!
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Modifying the clone stove stands to be more useful.

1) The Rothco stand
This stand is much more flexible than the issue one and can be bent very easily by hand.
Therefore I have bent my clone stand back to front so the cut out is away from the handles. This just makes it more pleasant to use and a bit more viable with sticks as fuel.


Repeatedly bending the stand back to get it to stack again would likely snap it eventually.
However I have decided to leave it in place as it fits in Bergen side pockets as it and the void used to hold fuel tabs.
I leave it assembled as I pretty much just use it as a kettle or coffee pot when cooking on an open fire.


With care it will still sit inside a Swedish m40 mess kit windshield like this. You have to make sure it’s square on the internal pot supports if they are raised.
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2) Lixada stand & pot

A very common modification to the original USGI stove stands is to cut slots in the top to place a couple nails across it as a pot support, bend some tent pegs or add mesh as grill.

Image below is from a potted history of USGI canteen cook sets. There are various methods that work.


The result is that it’s easier to use the canteen cup with the handles away from the side opening but the stand will support other shape pots better.
Some uses have got a faster boiling time as there is better airflow and the pot sits a little higher.

Sorry for the long winded explanation. The Lixada stand has a closed top so what’s the point?


Marked up to cut, now where is the dreemel?

If you cut four slots (in the right places) in the bottom edge of the stand you can use the included handle as a support. This way the stand can be used upsides down and works better as a stick/wood burner. The result is al bit like the MK1 Crusader stove.
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3) Making the Fire Dragon Mini Cooker great again (kinda)

I mean this one:


The built in pot support/windshield is a bit short to get the most out of the fire dragon fuel.


Pot very close to the fuel.


Separate pot stand gives better clearance and burn.

So cut/snap* the mini cooker windshield off. You now have a tray the right size to burn a 27g block or gel when using a USGI stove stand or similar.

* You might be lucky and be able to did the support down and up with out it snapping off. But I don’t think it will last long.

The cut off supports can be bent and wedged in vertically as pot stand “legs”but it’s a bit of a fiddle and not very stable. Someone creative could make a trivet though. :cool:
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Comparison test test between four military canteen cup.

  • USGI original issue
  • Crusader MK1 BCB
  • USGI later style copy
  • USGI Pathfinder style copy
I did a little test between four fairly common and inexpensive canteen cup set ups. I used unmodified versions of the stove stands, no lids or extra wind shields.
The water was 4c from the fridge and fuel for all was a single 28g fire dragon block each.
Weather was 9c, light rain and almost no wind.
From left to right:

1) Copy of later model USGI cup & stove with small air holes. Used inverted with a fire dragon mini inside to hold the fuel.

2) Copy of later model USGI cup & stove with large air holes similar to pathfinder version. Tin lid to hold fuel.

3) BCB branded crusader MK1 cup & stove.

4) USGI issue cup & original stove.Tin lid to hold fuel.
Reverse view of stoves to show air holes layout.


Stoves were lit left to right and all going within 30 seconds.
Some results.

None of the stoves produced a rolling boil on a single fuel block.

With care I could use the handles on the cups throughout. Barring the Crusader.*

The first stove to go out was the “pathfinder style” (set up no.2). It made the water hot enough to be just about tolerable to touch. Run time was 6’40”.

The second stove to go out was the Crusader (set up no.3). Similar water temp as above. Run time 8’40”. * Initially the flame touched the mug handles so they were very hot but it settled down.

The third stove to go out was the USGI copy with the stand inverted (set up no. 1). It nearly produced a rolling boil with the inside of the mug covered with bubbles. Run time 18’45”.

The final stove was the USGI (set up no. 4). Touching a rolling boil by not quite getting there. I did fiddle with this more as I lifted it off ti check the flame as I couldn’t easily see it. Run time 22’.
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Some initial thoughts on the results.

The stove that lifted the cup highest from the heat source and offered the least wind protection went through the fuel fastest and heated the water the least.
However this set up is probably the easier to use as a stick burner.

The Crusader mk1 was marginally better for slightly more bulk.

The two stoves that protected the flame the most ran the longest and got the water the hottest. I was a little surprised that the USGI issue work quite so well, even with the tin lid it’s the most compact.
I was going to run the BCB Fire Dragon along side these but forgot. But I suppose U would have to have done some modified stoves with it too though!

Yes, I do have more canteen cups… :D
Thanks for your time doing this comparison. Personally i don't rate any gell but that's just me. I find my home made meths burner burns more efficiently and easier to top up as required. .....just noticed your lixada tread below so will take a butchers, thanks again
Cheers, with the ban on hexi I thought is was worth having a little comparison.

I use the USGI cup with a bcb firedragon, normal temp water, lid and wind shield it’s much, much better.

I also think the round tin lid/crusader size burner dish doesn’t get the best out of gel.
A question for the brains trust.
My old hexi stove died a long time ago and I believe that the old flat style is no longer a British issue item but is still available here. Does the version with the cup shaped cutout in the topper part make that particular stove better to use with the pattern 58 stainless steel cup?
I am rebuilding my old CMF kit and for some reason the units with that extra bit are a couple of dollars cheaper, if they are I may as well get two and keep one with the pattern 58 waterbottle
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Those stoves are for steel mug, I’ve seen a few folks who prefer them. Bit more stable than than ones without the top. :)

Funny that they are cheaper but I suppose need the right mug! They go for about a fiver in here but you can get the BCB firedragon (no fuel) for £1.50.

Just in case anyone wanted to know: USGI 1 quart and Nalgene Oasis fit the Crusader mug pretty well. Slightly smaller than the ‘58 bottle so a tiny amount of slack for a packet soup to fit.
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So does the plate with the cup shaped cut-out work to brew up faster that just half folding the cooker like we used to do?
I don't think I ever actually got a kidney cup of water to ever boil but it got hot enough to make an instant coffee and dissolve army sugar
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There’s a few video of chaps demoing brewing up. If any of them time it vs the open stove I’ll link it. Sounds like an excuse for me to get another stove though…. ;)

Dinner is in the Swedish set tonight however. Whooping cough all around so I am in the garden, plus it’s RBL sleep out.


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