Coffee in the bush

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When I am going light, I use a "swiss gold" filter


These use real coffee but can also be used to make tissanes and also for coarse (actually quite fine) filtering of water prior to boiling etc.

I found them at a fiver each in a whittards sale a while ago and bought four or five - bargain!


What diameter mugs do these fit?

Cheers, Ed.
thx for all your replys -that helped a lot.
I completly forgotten that I have something like that:

So the question how to make is already cleared.
Can anyone (who dont use instant coffee) post a pic of the transportation?
especially milk, sugar, coffee, etc.

Really like the look of a leather bag. hope to get some small zipperbags/freezerbags tomorrow in my local store.

thanks a lot
Once again my image of Rufty Tufty pine needle and nettle tea drinking bushcrafters is shattered.:lmao:

Firstly for those total coffee snobs get hold of Lyons Coffee bags a big round "teabag" full of fresh coffee grounds.
Makes one cup per bag £1.79 gets you 20 bags. Each one is sealed in its own waterproof foil pouch. Then you can carry your milk, cream or whitener and sugar and make proper coffee in the bush without caffetier or perculator.
Secondly for those just after a quick no fuss coffee Kenco now do 2 in one and 3 in one instant coffee tubes like the Aussie Nescafe ones.....
2 in one unsweetened and 3 in one sweetened.
10 tubes in a box for £1.39.
We have both kinds, Dave is the coffee drinker of the two of us he said the Kenco stuff is "not bad" but the Lyons coffee bags are the better option even if fiddlier. Still by no means as fiddly as carrying coffee pots/caffetiers or the like.

We got both from Tescos
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I´m familiar with the nescafe 3in1 or 2in1 instantcoffee packets and used it for quite a while.

With the Lyons bags do you mean something like that?
coffee Pads for Pad using machine

If not, is this maybe an option?
I´m thinking to drop one of these pads into a boiling water and fish it out when finished. This pads are maybe a way to make FRESH coffee without having the problems of "cowboy coffee".

What do you think?
This is my setup for brewing coffee.


The pot could differ though. I sometimes carry a coffe pot or a stainless steel cooking pot, but mostly I just use an old food tin (picture).
The coffee is pre-ground coffee for cooking coffee (a little coarser then the filter stuff) wich you will get in any food store in Norway. I don`t use a plastic lining in the leather bag.
I bring the water to a boil and just toss in the right amount of coffee. Let it sit for 7-8 minutes and it is done.

I don`t use sugar nor milk in my coffee and thus don`t carry any containers for those.

Good containres those Twodogs, i use a couple myself. Wheelie bins without wheels :lmao:

Those filters you use BR are now a tenner each or two for £15 :eek: picked up a couple yesterday!

The stoves a Borde petrol stove from Switzerland running on Panel wipe and the coffee pot is an Italian Lavazza with Lavazza Rossa coffee. Sugar is Bajan Barbados Cane. No! Milk Ugh Cow juice.
cheers Danny


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