Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
But all this aprobation masks a sinister side to Dougster - and others like him. They are allowed to operate without check or warning - disgusting I tell you!
Spent about twelve hours out on the hill over the weekend - mostly in driving rain. My normal established, comfortable routine was shot to shreds -
1. Dougster/ Shing shrugged off everything thrown at at. No need to stop every ten minutes to fight galloping rust on 01 Carbon Steel bushy.
2. Found I have ringing in my ears. Never heard it before 'cos of the fizzing sound of said rusting at #1.
3. 'Power naps' in the heather replaced by fondling my new sheath and giggling to myself.
THESE PEOPLE, just waltz in and change everything you're used to. It shouldnt be allowed. I can help though - just tell Dougster to keep the money but to tear up YOUR ticket. I'm already lost, so may as well leave mine running.
I have set my alarm for ten mins before........then i will be watcing and waiting ......with baited breath.
Good luck to all who purchased a ticket and hats off Dougster for doing this. Its all in a good cause.:You_Rock_
I did the draw - I always said my daughter would do it, and she's shattered, so I did it early.
The winner, after all those 'lovely' things he said to me as well is:
Oakleaf. (He did buy three tickets).
I'll pm. I'd just like to add that I wish I could have made one each, you have all cheered me with the support. We raised a grand total of £215!! A fantastic sum which will go straight to Cancer Research.
Good stuff - congratulation Oakleaf and my thanks to Rich. A wonderful effort for a worthy cause - I hope you are as proud of your efforts as you are of your lovely knife.
You are an honourable man Dougster - the world could use a few more people like you who make positive contributions and try to leave it a little better than they find.
Absolutely delighted and very honoured. Become a Dougster 'fan' in recent times - per Shing ( thrown in Moray Firth now so as I dont have to agonise over which knife to carry ).
Glad it was for such a good cause and spurred such a fantastic response from the good people here.
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