I'll take your word for it M, i reckon i'd need to be seriously hungry to even try corned beef or tinned ham nowadays, what's that saying about too much of a good thing spoiling it?? Well too much of a thing that is not so good is even worse
Thon canned chicken ..I dare you. Buy one and try it. It was standard cupboard 'just in case' fayre when I was little. Just like tinned ham or corned beef.
What you do with it is this you take it out of the can, don't waste the jelly, it makes brilliant gravy and very good soup stock. Wipe the bird with a kitchen towel and then put it into a medium oven to heat through. There's so much moisture in it that it doesn't dry out easily, but the breast and legs will roast up crisp. Lift it out and carve it just like any other deid hen.
"Fresh" cooked chicken, and soup, from a can in a hurry, when folks drop in unexpectedly.
The can's a useful size for soaking paint brushes in turps too
As a kid about the only tinned meat we ever ate was tinned ham in my mums version of risotto.
We were evicted from our hole in the ground. We had to go and live in a lake.
Tinned veggie haggis is pretty good though
Loads of places in the US do canned bread
Old Jimbo…
{Toddy said, "Tinned veggie haggis is pretty good though" }
I absolutely have to get your recipe for vegetarian haggis if you have one! Finally I might have an advantage on my vegetarian grand-daughter, if veggie haggis really is possible. It's been very difficult to surprise her in the past…
Tinned veggie haggis is pretty good though M