bushcrafty pet hates!!

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My pet peeve when I go canoe camping is when I am sitting quietly by the lake, and from a distance a roaring sound emerges... as a power-boat or even worse, a handful of water ski-jets come zooming through. It is at that point in my trip that I regret not bringing a Gatling Gun with me.

I've just come back from a long weekend in Dartmoor. I stayed at the Widecombe campsite which I've been going to for 20 years and arranged one of the first meet-ups there on the forum.
When I used to go there 20 odd years ago, it was a quiet, lovely place with just a few other campers who likewise just wanted a bit of peace and quiet. The cat is however out of the bag now, and word has well and truly spread and the last few times I've been down there It's been busier than it ever used to be so word has definately spread. It is a lovely campsite. Unfortunately also the last 2 times I've been down there, there's been Chavs in attendance. Last weekend there was a large group of several families, obviously all arranged to meet up at the campsite complete with generator, pink blow up plastic sofa, quad bike.........(yes that's right...........a quad bike, screeching kids. One lad came right up to my tent to have a good nose, but didn't say a word, he was brazenly looking at my kit and inside my tent.............. I asked if he was going to propose, and if not maybe he'd like to go away, and he did thankfully, but what a cheek.
They left on the sunday evening thankfully and when I walked down to where they'd been camping the next morning there was 2 black bags dumped over a wall, and been split open probably by a fox and rubbish strewn everywhere. (Yes I did pick it all up, and re-bag it) What's the matter with people?? The farmer (who is a lovely old chap) supplies bins to put rubbish in and seperate for re-cycling. So that,s my gripe. Noisy, inconsiderate, idiots like those lot. I would put what I really think of them but It wouldn't be allowed. It rhymes with Farce and sole

Also people who do this sort of thing http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/nottinghamshire/7411963.stm I hate cruelty to animals. It would be rather fun to place these individuals against a wall and 'stone' them to let them see the error of their ways, and what it feels like!!! A few fist size pebbles bouncing off the bonce might wake them up a bit.
I've nothing against responsible culling and slaughter by professionals for food............................ but cruelty I can't abide.
I've just come back from a long weekend in Dartmoor. I stayed at the Widecombe campsite which I've been going to for 20 years and arranged one of the first meet-ups there on the forum.

bouncing off the bonce might wake them up a bit.
I've nothing against responsible culling and slaughter by professionals for food............................ but cruelty I can't abide.

Is that Cockingford? Arch Lentern? If so I brought up in the cottage opposite
I'm not fond of mess, midges and males who think that just because I'm a female I don't know what I'm doing.

What really annoys me is those that think I need to be told exactly how to do something in great detail when I've not asked for help and actually know what to do better than they do (mainly photographically wise while doing work for the paper)

While out and about, camping... I've been told how to feather a stick, lay a fire, boil water (?!) and also how to split a log into kindling.. which it didn't need to do, however, the guy grabbed my axe, elbowed me out of the way and proceeded to split a perfectly good cooking log into a thousand tiny scraps, dumping them all onto the fire and saying in a very patronising way, "There ya go luv, that'll get it going" I pointed out that it was already 'going' and I wanted the bloody log to go with the other one on the fire so I could get a good level surface and some nice hot embers to cook my stew over. Needless to say he wasn't very happy with me not throwing myself at his feet and praising him as lord over the axe and all bushcraft.
After huffing and puffing he thwacked my axe into a live tree(!!!) and stomped off with his fibreglass walking stick and sick orange goretex suit.:twak:
I was left with a bleeding tree, a sticky axe, a fire with one log short, flames up by my earholes and a cold stew.

Cheers mate! :AR15firin
In no particular order, I don't like:

Commercial forestry plantations - Huge rectangles of non-native sitka spruce, planted in rows. They are not good for biodiversity, look awful, and often the cost of extrication is greater than the value of the timber. Thankfully forestry practices have changed, but they will be with us for a long time to come.

Rhodedendrons, Himalayan balsam, grey squirrels and other accidentally introduced non native species. They diminish the feeling of wildness and displace other species from that ecological niche.

Bear Grylls. (see previous threads ad infinitum)

Litter louts. In towns you expect no better. But I do not understand people who travel at considerable effort/expense to wild places, and then damage them.
like many others have said i hate noisy people. one time i went fishing and a loads of chavs turned up, not only were they shouting to each other across the lake but they also hadnt seemed to grasped the consept of fishing at all! i saw one of them was useing a huge sea fishing hook which was neer enough useless for the size of the fish in the lake. and many times they got there line stuck in trees which caused them to get angry and swear alot and once tangled with my dads line! he wasnt a happy bunny lol

i also hate all of the 'bushcraft' items sold on ebay, as far as i can see there is no use of a 12 inch sawback blade that is clamed to be used by the sas. usualy costing around a fiver and made from the cheepest of steels some how i cant see special forces carying them lol

bear grylls - decending a waterfall is the last thing id do in a survival situation! lol he shows how to endanger yourself not how to up your chances of survival
The M25!

Because when I was a boy I spent most of my out of school time on the commons around Epsom & Ashtead and it was like being in the middle of nowhere and SILENT at night. Went back for the first time in 30 years last summer and was gobsmacked by the constant B :censored: Y traffic noise from the M25 two miles away!

Is that Cockingford? Arch Lentern? If so I brought up in the cottage opposite

That's the one Jusali. Cockingford. It can still be quiet if you time it right, but school holidays, and bank holiday weekends usually have a smattering of rowdies disturbing everyone's peace.
You're right Nicola. Life's not so bad, but it'd be even better without certain idiots that show no consideration and ruin things for others. :)
i agree with just about everbody on this,

midges and mozzies!!!! drive me insane.

light and noise pollution.

just the greatest feeling going out into the woods and having none of that :)

dog mess! it's everywhere, when you buy a dog you take on the responsibility to clean up its mess!

mud I can handle just makes it all that little bit more of a challenge :P
my real hate
Those spineless insipid sheeple who would ban everything so they can live in a "safe" world
they have managed pretty well with guns and swords now the are working on knives
do they not see that their metthods don't work
please sheeple get to know me before taking my knives away
I dont think I pose that much of a threat

my real hate
Those spineless insipid sheeple who would ban everything so they can live in a "safe" world

Very true! Banning things that are deemed 'hazardous' or a 'danger to body and soul' merely drives them underground and into the hands of those who will, in all probability, use them for the wrong or some nefarious purpose.

What narks me, apart from things mentioned earlier, is the assumption by those 'in power' that ANYONE who carries a knife is out to do some mischief with it. They brand a knife as a weapon whereas, for everyone on this site, a knife is a tool - nothing more, nothing less. Yet we continue to suffer the opprobrium of the ignorant. Perhaps it's time for the Home Secretary to come along to a Moot or the Wilderness Gathering...


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.