British Blades Forum - down

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I stopped subscribing to BB last year.

I'm sorry Martyn is unwell. If he cares about BB and it's members he needs to trust his loyal and hard working staff with the necessary privileges to ensure BB keeps going.
The fact that there have been several prolonged outages over the last year and the staff still have their hands tied is very disappointing and won't encourage people to invest time and resources there.
My posts were not intended as a rant either. I am no where near ranting. Toddy, remember this is written communication, and like text messages, true meaning can be misinterpreted.

All i feel is frustration. I pay to access that site, its resources, and the Portobello Road. If I didnt pay a subscription, you would not see any posts from me on the subject. But I do, as do many thousands of others. Therefore its not hard to imagine the money involved from just memberships alone, let alone advertising. When money is being made, from a service provided, then some care must be taken to ensure that that service is acceptable, IMHO.

It is a great site, run by great mods and admin. I agree BB does have a rather strict reputation moderation wise, so I understand the reluctance to air these views on BB. Likewise, I can understand why the mods/admin here don't want to be seen to condone BB bashing, both forums are in a very similar vein, both sites probably share lots of members maybe even mods/admin.

I understand that all forums have issues from time to time. It just seems that BB suffers more than most, and that the response doesnt seem to improve. Thats a shame. I also feel for the people who have sales on the go, and are left in limbo.

I would just like to add, that I havent seen anyone in this thread say anything other than what I would describe as constructive criticism. And as its a free world we live in, that should be acceptable.

See my comment about cross forum spat ?

I meant it.

There is an art to writing clearly, and this is not a text forum. You have already had a post edited for swearing, and I have already sent someone off to cool down.

It would be much appreciated if those who are determined to be heard would also listen and pay heed.

As a place to connect with friends fine, have a seat, join the conversations, just don't rail agin another forum, here.

I'd just like to see the thread used by BB members who are halfway through trade deals to conclude them. And a heads up for if and when it does go live again. If anyone feels they have lost their subscription, as I may have done, can't we just put it down to experience ?
As a side ssue I also hope Martyn recovers from his illness, as that for me is a little more important than BB anyhow.
That's a very good idea.
BB has an awful lot more sales/trading than BcUK does. Indeed we sometimes suggest that folks selling unique/expensive knives might do better on BB.

Thing is though that folks need to be careful about the selling and advertising here, because we limit that to Full Members. It's not a fee on each sale kind of thing, and Makers and Traders pay a different subscription too.

Other than that issue, I don't think there'd be any problem with members making contact with each other to finish sorting out deals and trades.

When BcUK went down during a massive upgrade, BB welcomed folks there :) there's a large cross over of members.

I like Martyn, he used to Mod here too, he was very 'decisive' :) and I genuinely hope he does recover his health.
I hope BB is back up and running asap too though. Too good to just quietly disappear into the ether.

Hi All,

Just letting you know that I am as much in the dark as everybody else is regarding the status of BB. Unfortunately, Martyn is the only one with server access and the only person with permission to contact the hosting company. The mods and myself merely attend to the day to day administration of the site. If its broken, then unfortunately, there is nothing we can do except send a message to Martyn and wait patiently like the rest of you.

I know its not an ideal situation to be in, but I though you all deserve to know all the information I have and that we are doing what we can to resolve things, but as it stands, there is actually very little we can do. I know a lot of people have gone over to EM and that forum is doing very well. You will also find a bunch of us at Real Outdoors Forum and you will find a very warm welcome there as well.

Thanks, Andy
I've asked somebody about this, in passing, so I don't seem too desperate :rolleyes: and it could be that it has either been closed down for good or simply mothballed. If it has been mothballed, and I am going by what I was told here cos I know nothing about this stuff... :p ... it is taken down from public viewing but kept by the owner, all content still intact, and could be restarted again at a later date.

It's a shame. Though I bailed out as a mod because I could see this frustrating situation happening, I feel sorry for those mid deal, those that just joined, and all the people I worked with and chatted with over the years.
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