British Blades Forum - down

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I'm not speaking from any authority, and I'm sure there are people who know more than me...

The last I saw on BF before it went off again was a post from Martyn. It basically said that there had been a potential security problem with the site, and the hosting company took the site off air because they could not get a quick reply from Martyn. That was the previous outage.

I got the impression that the potential issue was sorted out; and the site was back, obviously. Also that, while Martyn might have to consider mothballing the site in the future depending on his personal circumstances, it was not on the cards immediately.

That's paraphrasing from memory.

So, given that and the fact that it still says 'moving site', I think we just have to wait and be hopeful.

It might not take long to move a site's database if there is a full-time staff to do so, and everything works as expected. I have a little experience myself and I can imagine that if one is working alone, with other, personal, issues to cope with as well, and if things don't go smoothly, it could take a lot longer.

The bottom line is that only Martyn knows what is happening, and he obviously has his hands full. We just have to wait and see.
Moving site can be done quite quickly but it can take days for the new IP to propagate. When we moved SotP from to a new server some people could not connect for over a week. Others were in after a couple of days. Same thing happened when we just changed the domain host but had the same server.
TBH - no Site/Database migration or DNS transfer takes a week - and I have some experience with this as well. Much credit to Martyn to have been willing/able to run it for so long. I really wish him all the best and most of all a full health recovery. As to BB -he probably should have delegated a bit more.
"Why the silence"?

Without wanting to divert this thread into a rant or cross forum thing, I am ex moderator for a reason, and that is lack of communication.

If the moderators here wish to remove this, they can, but at least they have the site owner to contact if necessary. Something BB staff haven't had for several years. I left through utter embarrassment and frustration at not being able to answer any of these type of questions.
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Okay folk...Thread is now locked.
We don't want cross forum spats, arguments, or moaning and that is pretty much what this thread has become. Continually picking at a scab. The last posts serve no good purpose.

If any of the BB moderators have any news that they want to share in the future, they are welcome to contact the BCUK mods and we can open the thread again, or start something new as an announcement.

I was one of the earliest members on BB and it was my posts there that landed me a place on the BCUK mod squad where I worked alongside Martyn for a number of years. I hope that he is able to bring BB back, but more than that, I hope that he is able to sort his health out. The latter is the more important of the two.

Good luck Martyn!
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