Blacks on the blacklist


Apr 12, 2013
North Yorkshire
Are the shoes not fit for purpose, or have they worn out slightly?

I had a pair of salomon trail shoes that wore inside at the heels after a few weeks but I wore them fine for 18 months.


Apr 16, 2009
Wow, lots of replies on various sides. The links to money saving expert are really useful.

The key point here is:

"Fit for purpose AND last a reasonable length of time"

If a pair of shoes fails after what is less than 4 months of use, that is not really a reasonable length of time. Considering the previous pair lasted over 2 years, and the pair before 18 months.

I currently don't have a camera on my phone so can't upload photos, but will do when I have a chance.

This isn't about accepting the goods or the standard return within 28 days stuff that we all get for unused products. This is a product that is not lasting a reasonable length of time. The reason I had to wear them to the store was simple: it was that or bare foot.


So this is the only pair of shoes you own, worn for for all tasks daily? You have no flip flops, plimmys, cheap trainers etc?

I'd agree with the post above that you may have a gait to your walk that is wearing the inner of the shoe. No offence or anything, I've got a buggered hip and I wear shoes in a certain pattern. I'd say, for a specialist type footwear like the TNF Hedgehog, the manufacturer could suggest you haven't been using them for the purpose they were designed. Not playing devils advocate, but having read the legislation (which are just guidelines anyway), it could be argued either way.

Go back to the shop, shoes in a bag, and ask them to send them back to the manufacturer. You will very likely end up with new shoes. I appreciate you're cross, but I don't think you should be shaming and naming.


Full Member
Apr 8, 2013
West Wales
Reasonable length of time depends on the use of the product. If i do alot of miles in my car or the allignment is out causing the tyres to wear out in 6 months..... Does that mean that i can get new tyres on an exchange basis?

Im personally on my 3rd pair of boots since september but not once have i thought of returning them due to excessive wear as i know ive racked up more than would be considered as normal wear and tear. And these arent the only foot wear i use.

If the product is faulty they will replace them from what i understand, all they are asking is to see if they are infact faulty.


Dec 11, 2012
If thats your only pair of shoes then you dont have much choice than to wear them back. Do you not have any other footwear?


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
They have to send them away. Unfortunately plenty of con artists buy shoes, wear them for a year then buy new ones. Using the new receipt with the old shoes in tow, they go back a few weeks later and claim substandard manufacture and excessive wear to age. You can't blame them checking it out as this con is rife in the clothing industry.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
They have to send them away. Unfortunately plenty of con artists buy shoes, wear them for a year then buy new ones. Using the new receipt with the old shoes in tow, they go back a few weeks later and claim substandard manufacture and excessive wear to age. You can't blame them checking it out as this con is rife in the clothing industry.

Ouch. Always the dishonest screwing it over for the rest of us. I believe these are this years model tho. What's the point of having a receipt and consumer rights then?



Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Ouch. Always the dishonest screwing it over for the rest of us. I believe these are this years model tho. What's the point of having a receipt and consumer rights then?


As JD said they use the receipt for the new boots with an old pair, "head office" can't rely on a shop assistant to make a judgement call like that so they have a blanket policy of sending them away. You will get your money back. Just ask for a receipt in turn when they send them off.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Ouch. Always the dishonest screwing it over for the rest of us. I believe these are this years model tho. What's the point of having a receipt and consumer rights then?


The consumer rights will work for you, and after they've looked at them they'll probably agree unless they've received excessive wear. But they have to look after their rights too, otherwise they won't last long in business. The good news is that large corporations like these are generally very good and honest in their analysis, so if they are faulty, you'll get your new pair. Remember that apart from the dishonest lot they have to deal with, some people may have used their new boots to bring their motorbike from 60mph to a stop by using their feet. They need to make sure you're not one of those people too :lmao:
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Mar 3, 2006
I have size12 feet I never expect store to have my size in stock, just sometimes I am surprised :)
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Apr 16, 2009
Lol. Had to google CFM boots :lmao:

You'd have probably got a new pair of walkers right there :lol:

Ouch. Always the dishonest screwing it over for the rest of us. I believe these are this years model tho. What's the point of having a receipt and consumer rights then?

Nope. You do have rights Julia, the retailer is responsible for making good, but only if the manufacturer has been consulted and agrees. If they just hand out another pair and return the worn ones, only to be told to they won't replace them under warranty, then the retailer loses. It has to be down to the manufacturer to make a decision. If you had them for a week and a sole came away, then it might be viewed differently, but you've had a few months out of them. In fact, as you wandered into the shop still wearing them, you might be viewed as dishonest?

I'm sure you're not, I only know you from reading your posts here, you're a straight up girl, but do you get my point?


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Wow, lots of replies on various sides. The links to money saving expert are really useful.

The key point here is:

"Fit for purpose AND last a reasonable length of time"

If a pair of shoes fails after what is less than 4 months of use, that is not really a reasonable length of time. Considering the previous pair lasted over 2 years, and the pair before 18 months.

I currently don't have a camera on my phone so can't upload photos, but will do when I have a chance.

This isn't about accepting the goods or the standard return within 28 days stuff that we all get for unused products. This is a product that is not lasting a reasonable length of time. The reason I had to wear them to the store was simple: it was that or bare foot.


Couple of things here Julia.

You walked into the shop wearing said shoes, so it's difficult accepting that they're not "fit for purpose" as you must have walked there in them.

Length of time is not really relevant if something fails.
You have had them for 4 months, if you walk 10 miles a day that's roughly 1200 miles they could have covered.

You could have walked in the sea every day, had been "skiing" off the back of a motorbike, been skateboarding or climbing, all these activities will cause premature or odd wear on the shoe.

Likewise you could have just walked once round the block in them.

Thing is the shop assistant isn't going to make that call that's why the shoes need to be sent off.

Nothing wrong with you thinking they might be faulty, without seeing the shoe it's impossible to say.
There is also nothing wrong with the store wanting to return them to get them checked out IMO.

Hopefully you won't mind a bit of friendly advice here.
But if you only have 1 pair of shoes then it might be worth waiting up on buying the new lightweight kit for your upcoming trip, or even postponing the trip till you've caught up financially speaking.
It's tough getting by with only 1 pair of shoes.


Feb 21, 2013
If a pair of shoes fails after what is less than 4 months of use, that is not really a reasonable length of time.
Amen to that. I'd expect the shop to immediately refund me on the spot if I had a receipt.
I wouldn't go near another pair either.
Don't care if I've thrashed them non stop for 4 months, I'd expect them to be holding up fine.
Hope you get a refund quickly.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
......This isn't about accepting the goods or the standard return within 28 days stuff that we all get for unused products. This is a product that is not lasting a reasonable length of time. The reason I had to wear them to the store was simple: it was that or bare foot.


Lack of preparedness on your part (not having a spare pair of shoes/boots) doesn't constitute an emergency on the part of others (the shop)


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Amen to that. I'd expect the shop to immediately refund me on the spot if I had a receipt.
I wouldn't go near another pair either.
Don't care if I've thrashed them non stop for 4 months, I'd expect them to be holding up fine.
Hope you get a refund quickly.

But they clearly didn't fail? They just wore out quicker than expected - which is subjective, given they were still being worn, they were still doing the job they were designed for.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
....."Fit for purpose AND last a reasonable length of time".....

The key point is that you'd been wearing them for 4 months. I don't know of a single store that will give any refund or exchange for shoes that show any signs they've been worn at all beyond trying them on for fit.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
The key point is that you'd been wearing them for 4 months. I don't know of a single store that will give any refund or exchange for shoes that show any signs they've been worn at all beyond trying them on for fit.

Not true. As in my post above I had a pair of trainers fail catastrophically on me after about 5 months wear. They were sent back and it transpired to be a known fault.

It just comes down to patience.


Feb 21, 2013
But they clearly didn't fail? They just wore out quicker than expected - which is subjective, given they were still being worn, they were still doing the job they were designed for.
Hiking shoes wearing out in 4 months is a fail in my book.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Not true. As in my post above I had a pair of trainers fail catastrophically on me after about 5 months wear. They were sent back and it transpired to be a known fault.

It just comes down to patience.

Yes. But that's the difference between there and here. No store here will accept a return if the shoes show signs of wear at all. For a similar reason to the one JD listed above: people will buy new shoes (expensive ones) just to wear to the prom, a wedding, a funeral, or some other special event, then return them the next day claiming they don't fit.

Some enterprising individulas will go as far as buying a big screen tv to watch a special event (the Superbowl, the World Cup, The World Series, a championship fight, etc.) then return it within the accepted period (usually 30 to 90 days for electronics here)
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