Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Today in 1929

Frau im Mond (The Girl in the Moon) premieres in Berlin. - . Nation: Germany. Related Persons: Oberth; Nebel. The film, directed by Fritz Lang, with Hermann Oberth as technical consultant, provided a realistic portrayal of the rollout and launch of a liquid-propellant booster sending a manned expedition to the moon. Lang provided Oberth with funds to build and launch a liquid-propellant rocket to publicise the film. Oberth's rocket, using a conical combustion chamber to mix liquid oxygen and gasoline, was 1.8 m tall and was to have been launched to an altitude of 64 km over the Baltic Sea from Greifswalder Oie. One of the assistants hired by Oberth to fabricate the rocket was Rudolph Nebel, a World War I fighter pilot with (unfortunately) little actual engineering experience. Oberth also had no practical engineering or organizational ability, and was unable to produce the liquid rocket in the four months allotted. He then turned to an 11-m tall hybrid rocket that was to burn a to-be-determined carbon compound with liquid oxygen. This also proved impossible, and Oberth simply gave up and left town - returning, however, for the film's premiere. Ufa studios took ownership of the unfinished rockets.


Nice tent in the background too.


May 12, 2004
Your Pa is many years older than me. You have to remember that he honed his skills using me. That's why I hid in cupboards, making Airfix kits by candle light.
He couldn't smell the glue,at least not after I'd pushed the two crayons up his snout, while he was sleeping off a two day bender.
Nice to see the Nephillim is back.

The Nephelim never left. He lurks in the shadows and watches. Pretty much the same as our childhood days really.

Unca Kelly's smile is kinder. I always admired the way he could smile as he wielded the hammer and spikes.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Biker! Happy Bowling Day!

On this day in 1520 - King Henry VIII of England orders bowling lanes at Whitehall.

In 1930, British anthropologist Sir Flinders Petrie, along with a team of archaeologists, discovered various primitive bowling balls, bowling pins and other materials in the grave of a protodynastic Egyptian boy dating to 3200 B.C., very shortly before the reign of Narmer, one of the very first Egyptian pharaohs. Their discovery represents the earliest known historical trace of bowling. Others claim that bowling originated in Germany around 300 A.D. as part of a religious ritual in which people would roll stones at clubs (or "kegels") to absolve themselves of sins.
A site in Southampton, England claims to be the oldest lawn bowling site still in operation, with records showing the game has been played on the green there since 1299. The first written reference to bowling dates to 1366, when King Edward III of England banned his troops from playing the game so that they would not be distracted from their archery practice. It is believed that King Henry VIII bowled using cannonballs. Henry VIII also famously banned bowling for all but the upper classes, because so many working men and soldiers were neglecting their trades.
In Germany the game of Kegel (Kegelspiel) expanded. The Kegel game grew in Germany and around other parts of Europe with Keglers rolling balls at nine pins, or skittles. To this day, bowlers in the United States and United Kingdom are also referred to as "keglers".
Ninepin bowling was introduced to the United States from Europe during the colonial era, similar to the game of skittles. It became very popular and was called "Bowl on the Green". The Dutch, English, and Germans all brought their own versions of the game to the New World, where it enjoyed continued popularity, although not without some controversy. In 1841 a law in Connecticut banned ninepin bowling lanes due to associated gambling and crime, and people were said to circumvent the letter of the prohibition by adding an extra pin, resulting in the game of ten-pin bowling.
A painting which dates from around 1810, and has been on display at the International Bowling Hall of Fame and Museum in St. Louis, Missouri (Jan 26, 2010: located at the International Bowling Campus in Arlington, Texas), however, shows British bowlers playing the sport outdoors, with a triangular formation of ten pins, chronologically before it appeared in the United States. A photograph of this painting appeared in the pages of the US-based "Bowler's Journal" magazine in 1988.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nephilim? CLK and Huon I think you need another corrective session in the senses deprivation room (aka Hessian sack hanging from a beam in the celler)

How the heck did I miss Battle of Hastings Day. That would account for all the bunting flags in Condé sur Noireau, the nearest town where I live. Hope you lads had a nice day too.

Seems we're all of a similar nature, I too spotted that tent set up in the background of the Fritz Lang film clip. How focused we all are. :lmao:

Not a good day in history for today. mostly depressing stuff. Mata Hari was executed in 1917 and in 1863 the Confederate Submarine C.S.S Hunley sank on a test sailing going down with its inventor and 7 man crew.

Let's hope your day is better than theirs was. Catch yuz later.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Has any one else seen Petro's non existent video clips, see post 1522.
Bloody hell, 1529 posts of informative history, space stuff, quizzes and anagrams. Movie, music and book reviews, general pi55 taking and story telling, over 51 pages, how have we managed to survive so long. Good on you brothers, and sister.



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Don't forget the over 20'000 views too. I mean a MOD must've looked in at least once and we're not banned (or sectioned). Sorry if I've not been posting every day - I do try but internet probs are occasionally stopping me. But I do enjoy our little meanders from reality and all the gang(read weird family) seem to have fun; stalwarts and floaters alike. I do like it as although it's not necessarily "bushy" orientated all the time (hardly ever) I do like to learn, and learn I do (mainly that your all weird - but my kind've weird :eek:). So here I am munching todays foraged elderberries and apples tired and sore from an afternoon out playing in the woods and evening pruning trees in a friends garden (he was also chuffed as I'd taken him around some ceps from a place we'd never found them before and they were textbook specimens) wondering what factual nonsense I'll post up for tomorrows Biker Day.
Considering I've never met any of you bar Bob I feel I know you quite well and would happily share a campsite with you all.

Well enough of this back slapping hugging in the wilderness tosh I think we should get back to our usual character assassination and merciless ribbing. After all families are supposed to act like folk off of Dallas aren't they?

Plus nobodies guessed what Bobs movie quiz was yet and it's bugging me - devilishly hard that one.

PS Does Pedro's film thing have owt to do with the ginger hairy Hulk below it our is that his "before" picture from his "Craigslist" advert?
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
ok, ok, you wanted it that much and I've had so many requests, I've made the video just a link.

Goodness the walls are thin in that house - no privacy. Seem to remember a comic show doing a skit along those lines back in the 70's/80's.

Goodnight Pedro,
Goodnight Uncle Kelly,
Goodnight Pa,
Goodnight Bob,
Goodnight Auntie Turbo (where-ever you are),
Goodnight Mesquite,
Goodnight Huon,
Goodnight Everyone.
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Biker! Happy Ether Day!
Pa, a close one to your heart while doing your "experiments", today in 1846 - Dentist William T Morton demonstrates effectiveness of ether.
William Thomas Green Morton (August 9, 1819 – July 15, 1868) was an American dentist who first publicly demonstrated the use of inhaled ether as a surgical anaesthetic in 1846. The promotion of his questionable claim to have been the discoverer of anaesthesia became an obsession for the rest of his life.

Morton performed a painless tooth extraction after administering ether to a patient. Upon reading a favourable newspaper account of this event, Boston surgeon Henry Jacob Bigelow arranged for a now-famous demonstration of ether on October 16, 1846 at the operating theatre of the Massachusetts General Hospital, or MGH. At this demonstration Dr. John Collins Warren painlessly removed a tumour from the neck of a Mr Edward Gilbert Abbott. News of this use of ether spread rapidly around the world, and the first recorded use of ether in Britain was by Robert Liston at University College Hospital on 21 December 1846. The MGH theatre came to be known as the Ether Dome and has been preserved as a monument to this historic event.Following the demonstration, Morton tried to hide the identity of the substance Abbott had inhaled, by referring to it as "Letheon", but it soon was found to be ether.A month after this demonstration, a patent was issued for "letheon", although it was widely known by then that the inhalant was ether. The medical community at large condemned the patent as unjust and illiberal in such a humane and scientific profession. Morton assured his colleagues that he would not restrict the use of ether among hospitals and charitable institutions, alleging that his motives for seeking a patent were to ensure the competent administration of ether and to prevent its misuse or abuse, as well as to recoup the expenditures of its development. Morton's pursuit of credit for and profit from the administration of ether was complicated by the furtive and sometimes deceptive tactics he employed during its development, as well as the competing claims of other doctors, most notably his former mentor, Dr Jackson. Morton's own efforts to obtain patents overseas also undermined his assertions of philanthropic intent. Consequently, no effort was made to enforce the patent, and ether soon came into general use.
In December 1846, Morton applied to Congress for "national recompense" of $100,000, but this too was complicated by the claims of Jackson and Wells as discoverers of ether, and so Morton's application proved fruitless. He made similar applications in 1849, 1851, and 1853, and all failed. He later sought remuneration for his achievement through a futile attempt to sue the United States government. The lawyer who represented him was Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
In 1852 he received an honorary degree from the Washington University of Medicine in Baltimore, which later became the College of Physicians and Surgeons.

In the spring of 1857, Amos Lawrence, a wealthy Bostonian, together with the medical professionals and influential citizens of Boston, developed a plan to raise $100,000 as a national testimonial to Morton, receiving contributions from both public and private citizens.
Morton's notoriety only increased when he served as the star defence witness in one of the most notable trials of the nineteenth century, that of John White Webster, who had been accused of the murder of Dr George Parkman. Morton's rival, Dr Jackson, testified for the prosecution, and the residents of Boston were anxious to witness these nemeses in courtroom combat.
Morton performed public service yet again in the autumn of 1862 when he joined the Army of the Potomac as a volunteer surgeon, and applied ether to more than two thousand wounded soldiers during the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and the Wilderness.
Morton was in New York City in July 1868 when he went to Central Park to seek relief from a heat wave, where he collapsed and died soon after. He is buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Watertown and Cambridge, Massachusetts. His son William J. Morton was a noted physician and authority in electrotherapeutics.

Pa is a knockout in the basement.

Replica of the inhaler used by William T. G. Morton in 1846 in the first public demonstration of surgery using ether. Pa does other things with it!

Jul 30, 2012
Goodness the walls are thin in that house - no privacy. Seem to remember a comic show doing a skit along those lines back in the 70's/80's.

Goodnight Pedro,
Goodnight Uncle Kelly,
Goodnight Pa,
Goodnight Bob,
Goodnight Auntie Turbo (where-ever you are),
Goodnight Mesquite,
Goodnight Huon,
Goodnight Everyone.

good night Goatboy !


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Good morning Pedro,
Good morning Uncle Kelly,
Good morning Pa,
Good morning Bob,
Good morning Auntie Turbo (where-ever you are),
Good morning Mesquite,
Good morning Huon,
Good morning Everyone.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Hey GB, sorry mate fell asleep halfway through that long posting about ether, I have a niece named Esther and she has a similar effect on me. Thanks for the thought anyway. :lmao:

I see no reason why the plugged should be pulled on this thread, it's on other chatter and we're all behaving ourselves... well I am. I can drop you lot in a heartbeat if you get yourselves banned. "What me? Know them? Never 'eard of 'em" :D

Seriously though :You_Rock_


Jun 7, 2009
Which movie quiz are you talking about?
Don't forget the over 20'000 views too. I mean a MOD must've looked in at least once and we're not banned (or sectioned). Sorry if I've not been posting every day - I do try but internet probs are occasionally stopping me. But I do enjoy our little meanders from reality and all the gang(read weird family) seem to have fun; stalwarts and floaters alike. I do like it as although it's not necessarily "bushy" orientated all the time (hardly ever) I do like to learn, and learn I do (mainly that your all weird - but my kind've weird :eek:). So here I am munching todays foraged elderberries and apples tired and sore from an afternoon out playing in the woods and evening pruning trees in a friends garden (he was also chuffed as I'd taken him around some ceps from a place we'd never found them before and they were textbook specimens) wondering what factual nonsense I'll post up for tomorrows Biker Day.
Considering I've never met any of you bar Bob I feel I know you quite well and would happily share a campsite with you all.

Well enough of this back slapping hugging in the wilderness tosh I think we should get back to our usual character assassination and merciless ribbing. After all families are supposed to act like folk off of Dallas aren't they?

Plus nobodies guessed what Bobs movie quiz was yet and it's bugging me - devilishly hard that one.

PS Does Pedro's film thing have owt to do with the ginger hairy Hulk below it our is that his "before" picture from his "Craigslist" advert?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.