Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Goodnight Petro,
Goodnight Toga Yob,
Goodnight Kribe,
Goodnight Bobblezee,
Goodnight Auntie Girl to rub (where-ever you are),
Goodnight Mesquite,
Goodnight Nephillim,
Goodnight Everyone.

Jul 30, 2012
Goodnight Petro,
Goodnight Toga Yob,
Goodnight Kribe,
Goodnight Bobblezee,
Goodnight Auntie Girl to rub (where-ever you are),
Goodnight Mesquite,
Goodnight Nephillim,
Goodnight Everyone.

good night papa Kelly

well the darks hear again, so time for my daily nightguard duties, .ahh aah aaagggghhhhhh !


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Which movie quiz are you talking about?

The one from post #1496?


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Biker! Happy Human Rights Day!

On this day in 539 BC - King Cyrus The Great of Persia marches into the city of Babylon, releasing the Jews from almost 70 years of exile and making the first Human Rights Declaration.
Cyrus II of Persia (c. 600 BC or 576 BC–530 BC), commonly known as Cyrus the Great, also known as Cyrus the Elder, was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire. Under his rule, the empire embraced all the previous civilized states of the ancient Near East, expanded vastly and eventually conquered most of Southwest Asia and much of Central Asia and the Caucasus. From the Mediterranean sea and Hellespont in the west to the Indus River in the east, Cyrus the Great created the largest empire the world had yet seen. His regal titles in full were The Great King, King of Persia, King of Anshan, King of Media, King of Babylon, King of Sumer and Akkad, and King of the Four Corners of the World. He also proclaimed what has been identified by scholars and archaeologists[SUP] [/SUP]to be the oldest known declaration of human rights, which was transcribed onto the Cyrus Cylinder sometime between 539 and 530 BC. This view has been criticized by some as a misunderstanding of what they claim to be the Cylinder's generic nature as a traditional statement of the sort that new monarchs may make at the beginning of their reign.
The reign of Cyrus the Great lasted between 29 and 31 years. Cyrus built his empire by conquering first the Median Empire, then the Lydian Empire and eventually the Neo-Babylonian Empire. Either before or after Babylon, he led an expedition into central Asia, which resulted in major campaigns that were described as having brought "into subjection every nation without exception". Cyrus did not venture into Egypt, as he himself died in battle, fighting the Massagetae along the Syr Darya in December 530 BC. He was succeeded by his son, Cambyses II, who managed to add to the empire by conquering Egypt, Nubia, and Cyrenaica during his short rule.
Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered. It is said that in universal history, the role of the Achaemenid empire founded by Cyrus lies in its very successful model for centralized administration and establishing a government working to the advantage and profit of its subjects. In fact, the administration of the empire through satraps and the vital principle of forming a government at Pasargadae were the works of Cyrus. What is sometimes referred to as the Edict of Restoration (actually two edicts) described in the Bible as being made by Cyrus the Great left a lasting legacy on the Jewish religion where because of his policies in Babylonia, he is referred to by the Jewish Bible, as Mashiah (hebr.: anointed one).
So said the Lord to His anointed one, to Cyrus
—Yeshayahu, Isa 45:1-7
Cyrus the Great is also well recognized for his achievements in human rights, politics, and military strategy, as well as his influence on both Eastern and Western civilizations. Having originated from Persis, roughly corresponding to the modern Iranian province of Fars, Cyrus has played a crucial role in defining the national identity of modern Iran, Cyrus and, indeed, the Achaemenid influence in the ancient world also extended as far as Athens, where many Athenians adopted aspects of the Achaemenid Persian culture as their own, in a reciprocal cultural exchange.

Jul 30, 2012
ok is it Merlin, with his sword and lightning ?

Anyway 3 versions of merlins fables

1)Beddgelert is the setting for two of Wales’s most celebrated legends. Probably the most famous of all is the story of Dinas Emrys, the lofty mountain home of the dragon you see fluttering on a thousand Welsh flags. Building a castle Way, way back in the fifth century the Celtic King
Vortigern chose Dinas Emrys as the site for his
castle. From here he hoped to escape the Saxons
but his plans for a fortress weren't easily achieved. Every night the royal masons would lay down their
tools only to return the next day to find they'd
vanished and their carefully crafted walls had fallen
down. And so it went on, day after day until Vortigern was
forced to seek the help of sorcerers and magicians.
They advised that the ground should be sprinkled
with the blood of a child born to a human mother
and a father from the ‘other world’. Merlin and the dragons’ lair A search was launched and eventually the child
was found in Caer Myrddin (Carmarthen) and
preparations for the sacrifice were made. But the child, Myrddin Emrys, was no ordinary child.
In fact, he was Merlin, the wizard. Merlin convinced
Vortigern that two dragons lay sleeping under a
lake inside the mountain and it was they that were
destroying the foundations of his fortress. Convinced the boy was right, Vortigern
commanded his labourers to dig deep into the
mountain. They did as they were told and discovered an
underground lake, just as Merlin had predicted.
Once drained, the red and white dragons that lay
sleeping there awoke and began to fight. Battle of two dragons The white dragon represented the Saxons and the
red dragon the Welsh. Eventually the white dragon
fled and the red dragon returned quietly to his lair. Vortigern’s castle was built and duly named after
Dinas Emrys in honour of Merlin, and the red
dragon has been celebrated ever since. Not convinced? In 1945 the site was excavated by
archaeologists who discovered a lake and the ruins
of the fortress dating to Vortigern’s time. The walls
all showed signs of having been rebuilt several
times… Tread carefully if you explore this hill. A dragon
sleeps beneath it.

2)The story goes that two great dragons, one red and
one white fought a terrible battle over the lonely forests and bogs of south Shropshire and were seen in a dream by the great enchanter Merlin. Finally, locked in the embrace of death, they fell to earth and became the mountain ridges of the Stiperstones and the Long Mynd. From the air there is definitely an uncanny resemblance to these beasts in the way that the two ridges lie adjacent to each other. While the tale of dying dragons is no more than folklore, the strange and incredibly old peaks of the Stiperstones are renowned for strange happenings and dark legends.

3)Then those two dragons, one of which was white, the other red, rose up and came near one another, and began a sore fight, and cast forth fire with their breath. But the white dragon had the advantage, and chased the other to the end of the lake. And he, for grief at his flight, turned back upon his foe, and renewed the combat, and forced him to retire in turn. But in the end the red dragon was worsted, and the white dragon disappeared no man knew where. When their battle was done, the king desired Merlin to tell him what it meant. Whereat he, bursting into tears, cried out this prophecy, which first foretold the coming of King Arthur. “Woe to the red dragon, which figureth the British nation, for his banishment cometh quickly; his lurkingholes shall be seized by the white dragon— the Saxon whom thou, O king, hast called to the land. The mountains shall be levelled as the valleys, and the rivers of the valleys shall run blood; cities shall be burned, and churches laid in ruins; till at length the oppressed shall turn for a season and prevail against the strangers. For a Boar of Cornwall shall arise and rend them, and trample their necks beneath his feet. The island shall be subject to his power, and he shall take the forests of Gaul. The house of Romulus shall dread him—all the world shall fear him—and his end shall no man know; he shall be immortal in the mouths of the people, and his works shall be food to those that tell them. “But as for thee, O Vortigern, flee thou the sons of Constantine, for they shall burn thee in thy tower. For thine own ruin wast thou traitor to their father, and didst bring the Saxon heathens to the land. Aurelius and Uther are even now upon thee to revenge their father’s murder; and the brood of the white dragon shall waste thy country, and shall lick thy blood. Find out some refuge, if thou wilt! but who may escape the doom of God?”

also a picture of a puppycute-puppy.jpg
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Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
The one from post #1496?

That was answered in post #1497/8.

ok is it Merlin, with his sword and lightning ?

Anyway 3 versions of merlins fables

1)Beddgelert is the setting for two of Wales’s most celebrated legends. Probably the most famous of all is the story of Dinas Emrys, the lofty mountain home of the dragon you see fluttering on a thousand Welsh flags. Building a castle Way, way back in the fifth century the Celtic King
Vortigern chose Dinas Emrys as the site for his
castle. From here he hoped to escape the Saxons
but his plans for a fortress weren't easily achieved. Every night the royal masons would lay down their
tools only to return the next day to find they'd
vanished and their carefully crafted walls had fallen
down. And so it went on, day after day until Vortigern was
forced to seek the help of sorcerers and magicians.
They advised that the ground should be sprinkled
with the blood of a child born to a human mother
and a father from the ‘other world’. Merlin and the dragons’ lair A search was launched and eventually the child
was found in Caer Myrddin (Carmarthen) and
preparations for the sacrifice were made. But the child, Myrddin Emrys, was no ordinary child.
In fact, he was Merlin, the wizard. Merlin convinced
Vortigern that two dragons lay sleeping under a
lake inside the mountain and it was they that were
destroying the foundations of his fortress. Convinced the boy was right, Vortigern
commanded his labourers to dig deep into the
mountain. They did as they were told and discovered an
underground lake, just as Merlin had predicted.
Once drained, the red and white dragons that lay
sleeping there awoke and began to fight. Battle of two dragons The white dragon represented the Saxons and the
red dragon the Welsh. Eventually the white dragon
fled and the red dragon returned quietly to his lair. Vortigern’s castle was built and duly named after
Dinas Emrys in honour of Merlin, and the red
dragon has been celebrated ever since. Not convinced? In 1945 the site was excavated by
archaeologists who discovered a lake and the ruins
of the fortress dating to Vortigern’s time. The walls
all showed signs of having been rebuilt several
times… Tread carefully if you explore this hill. A dragon
sleeps beneath it.

2)The story goes that two great dragons, one red and
one white fought a terrible battle over the lonely forests and bogs of south Shropshire and were seen in a dream by the great enchanter Merlin. Finally, locked in the embrace of death, they fell to earth and became the mountain ridges of the Stiperstones and the Long Mynd. From the air there is definitely an uncanny resemblance to these beasts in the way that the two ridges lie adjacent to each other. While the tale of dying dragons is no more than folklore, the strange and incredibly old peaks of the Stiperstones are renowned for strange happenings and dark legends.

3)Then those two dragons, one of which was white, the other red, rose up and came near one another, and began a sore fight, and cast forth fire with their breath. But the white dragon had the advantage, and chased the other to the end of the lake. And he, for grief at his flight, turned back upon his foe, and renewed the combat, and forced him to retire in turn. But in the end the red dragon was worsted, and the white dragon disappeared no man knew where. When their battle was done, the king desired Merlin to tell him what it meant. Whereat he, bursting into tears, cried out this prophecy, which first foretold the coming of King Arthur. “Woe to the red dragon, which figureth the British nation, for his banishment cometh quickly; his lurkingholes shall be seized by the white dragon— the Saxon whom thou, O king, hast called to the land. The mountains shall be levelled as the valleys, and the rivers of the valleys shall run blood; cities shall be burned, and churches laid in ruins; till at length the oppressed shall turn for a season and prevail against the strangers. For a Boar of Cornwall shall arise and rend them, and trample their necks beneath his feet. The island shall be subject to his power, and he shall take the forests of Gaul. The house of Romulus shall dread him—all the world shall fear him—and his end shall no man know; he shall be immortal in the mouths of the people, and his works shall be food to those that tell them. “But as for thee, O Vortigern, flee thou the sons of Constantine, for they shall burn thee in thy tower. For thine own ruin wast thou traitor to their father, and didst bring the Saxon heathens to the land. Aurelius and Uther are even now upon thee to revenge their father’s murder; and the brood of the white dragon shall waste thy country, and shall lick thy blood. Find out some refuge, if thou wilt! but who may escape the doom of God?”

also a picture of a puppyView attachment 23745

Blimey, you must have been up all night posting that. I always liked this version.



Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
50 years ago today:

1963 October 17 - .

NASA Astronaut Training Group 3 selected. - . Nation: USA. Related Persons: Aldrin; Anders; Bassett; Bean; Cernan; Chaffee; Collins; Cunningham; Eisele; Freeman; Gordon; Schweickart; Scott; Williams, Clifton. The group was selected to provide crew members for planned Apollo missions (then planned as 4 Saturn I missions in 1965, 2-4 Saturn IB missions in 1966, 6 Saturn V missions from 1967).. Qualifications: Qualified jet pilot with minimum 1,000 flight-hours, bachleor's degree in engineering or physical or biological sciences, under 35 years old, under 183 cm height, excellent health. US citizen.. There were 271 applications, 200 from civilians (including two women) and 71 from military pilots (including two African-Americans). President Kennedy pushed for NASA to appoint a black astronaut, but neither of the applicants met the test pilot requirements. Bobby Kennedy arranged for one of these, USAF Captain Edward Dwight, to be enrolled in the USAF Test Pilot school. He graduated, and then had the necessary qualifications. He was 28 years old, an engineering school graduate, and a B-57 bomber command pilot with 2,000 hours flying time. However NASA did not find him as well qualified as other candidates, and he was not among the 32 chosen for final physical and mental tests.

From these 32, the final 14 were selected. Of them, four would die (two in a T-38 crash, one in a car crash, and one in the Apollo 204 ground fire) before flying in space. All of the ten remaining would fly in the Apollo program.

View attachment 23746
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May 12, 2004
Sixty years ago? 60? Really?

Step away form the keyboard son, you're either drunk or can do maths like a bag full of hammers. :lmao:

Hey Kids, Happy Human rights days... oh the irony! :D

How many hammers are there in a bag full? For the obvious reasons I'll ask you rather than Unca Kelly :rofl:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
How many hammers are there in a bag full? For the obvious reasons I'll ask you rather than Unca Kelly :rofl:

Very good point. :35: I shouldn't be too surprised at his maths, when he subtracted 4 from 10 and got ironing board as the answer I suspected something wasn't quite right in his bonce.

How many hammers to a bag full? Well when the bag is full that's how many there are. Simples! (That's just over half full on CLK's planet :D)


May 12, 2004
Very good point. :35: I shouldn't be too surprised at his maths, when he subtracted 4 from 10 and got ironing board as the answer I suspected something wasn't quite right in his bonce.

How many hammers to a bag full? Well when the bag is full that's how many there are. Simples! (That's just over half full on CLK's planet :D)

Didn't you once clout him with a bag full of hammers when you were kids? The resulting coma and lost decades could explain the problems with year-based arithmetic....


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Didn't you once clout him with a bag full of hammers when you were kids? The resulting coma and lost decades could explain the problems with year-based arithmetic....

Yeah you could be right. And calling it clouting is a bit harsh... more like enhanced reaction training. Think along the lines of Inspector Clouseau and his manservant Kato having their skills honed through constant vigilance. How was I to know CLK's snoring wasn't faked when the 90kg sack made contact? I just wished I'd paid for proper reconstructive surgery on him instead fo doing it myself with the staple gun. But he's coped quite well with that face for all these years now... I just never know which eye to make contact with when talking to him and having three nostrils can be a bit off putting when people first meet him but we're used to it now.

We're one big happy family.


May 12, 2004
Yeah you could be right. And calling it clouting is a bit harsh... more like enhanced reaction training. Think along the lines of Inspector Clouseau and his manservant Kato having their skills honed through constant vigilance. How was I to know CLK's snoring wasn't faked when the 90kg sack made contact? I just wished I'd paid for proper reconstructive surgery on him instead fo doing it myself with the staple gun. But he's coped quite well with that face for all these years now... I just never know which eye to make contact with when talking to him and having three nostrils can be a bit off putting when people first meet him but we're used to it now.

We're one big happy family.

It is far more confusing for brother Boot though. They look so similar now that sometimes he talks to himself in mirrors. I have to hand it to you, not many surgeons would have the skill to make such a matching set. Especially with only a staple gun and a bread knife. I have to say that the eye thing is a bit off-putting :yuck:


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Haha, you guys. You have to remember it was first thing this morning, while you two were still hanging from the ceiling, fast asleep.

View attachment 23766 And I hadn't even had my coffee. The bag of hammers was retribution for my shoving two crayons up Kribes snout, while he was sleeping off a two day bender on Ginger beer. Check post#1519. I quite like my third eye, brings a whole new dimension to life. The things I see now.

View attachment 23767

Kribe, Nephillim, you may enjoy the painting in post #1538.

View attachment 23765


May 12, 2004
Haha, you guys. You have to remember it was first thing this morning, while you two were still hanging from the ceiling, fast asleep.

View attachment 23766 And I hadn't even had my coffee. The bag of hammers was retribution for my shoving two crayons up Kribes snout, while he was sleeping off a two day bender on Ginger beer. Check post#1519. I quite like my third eye, brings a whole new dimension to life. The things I see now.

View attachment 23767

Kribe, Nephillim, you may enjoy the painting in post #1538.

View attachment 23765

I did enjoy the painting. It is nice to see some of pa's more interesting artistic creations getting some publicity.

BTW, who painted the picture and which one of pa's experiments was the subject?


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
I did enjoy the painting. It is nice to see some of pa's more interesting artistic creations getting some publicity.

BTW, who painted the picture and which one of pa's experiments was the subject?

HR Giger was inspired by Kribe to paint the alien on the right, the reclining figure is Toga Boy himself. It still hangs over the fireplace at Clan Colinniloc hall.


May 12, 2004
HR Giger was inspired by Kribe to paint the alien on the right, the reclining figure is Toga Boy himself. It still hangs over the fireplace at Clan Colinniloc hall.

So the alien was based on Pa and the reclining figure is Toga Boy in his pre-staple gun days?

I'm glad that Giger toned Pa down. The reality would blast minds and scar souls :yikes:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.