Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005

Wow Colin I had to go back and check that! The Host is pretty inappropriate about the girl in the Bikini. She's all of what 8. Bad form even back then surely?
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Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London

On July 26, 1971, Apollo 15, the ninth manned mission of the Apollo program, was launched into space.

NASA called Apollo 15 the most successful manned flight ever achieved.

Apollo 15 was the fourth lunar landing mission. The flight to the moon was led by Commander David Scott. Alfred Worden was the Command Module Pilot. The Lunar Module was piloted by Jim Irwin.

The crew received intense geology training prior to the launch, making it the first Apollo flight to rank geology the highest priority of the mission. The field training took place in Arizona and New Mexico.

The mission ended successfully on August the 7th 1971.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005

Feliĉan Esperanto-Tagon Biker, hodiaŭ en 1887 la unua Esperanto-libro estis eldonita.
(Happy Esperanto Day Biker, today in 1887 the first Esperanto book was published.)

Lia nomo derivas de Doktoro Esperanto ("Esperanto" tradukas kiel "oni kiu esperas"), la pseŭdonimo sub kiu LL Zamenhof publikigis la unuan libron detalanta Esperanto, la Unuan Libron, la 26 de julio, 1887. Zamenhof celo estis krei facile lernebla kaj politike neŭtrala lingvo kiu transcendas nacieco kaj estus nutri paco kaj internacia interkompreno inter homoj kun malsamaj regiona kaj / aŭ naciaj lingvoj.

(Its name derives from Doktoro Esperanto ("Esperanto" translates as "one who hopes"), the pseudonym under which L. L. Zamenhof published the first book detailing Esperanto, the Unua Libro, on July 26, 1887. Zamenhof's goal was to create an easy-to-learn and politically neutral language that transcends nationality and would foster peace and international understanding between people with different regional and/or national languages.)

Nuntempe Esperanto estas vidita de esperantistoj kiel alternativo al la kreskanta uzo de la angla tra la tuta mondo, proponante lingvo kiu estas facile lernebla ol la angla, kaj ankaŭ povas helpi konservi kulturan heredaĵon kiu povas danĝero por la angla.

(Nowadays Esperanto is seen by Esperantists as an alternative to the growing use of English throughout the world, offering a language that is easier to learn than English, and can also help preserve cultural heritage that can be endangered by English.)

Eva Peron-Duarte, Argentina's 1st lady, dies at 33 on this day in 1952


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Coooo, what a high-brow thread!! I got lost during the TV bit and have become completely disorientated by finding foreign languages :)

it's good here innit? Learning through fun. I reckon I'm in the bad books though as I was late in posting up today and Dad is so strict... Keeps threatening to disown me. He doesn't always post up but he has folk watching I reckon. Luckily the other Colin did his ever informative space thread to throw them off of the scent.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
it's good here innit? Learning through fun. I reckon I'm in the bad books though as I was late in posting up today and Dad is so strict... Keeps threatening to disown me. He doesn't always post up but he has folk watching I reckon. Luckily the other Colin did his ever informative space thread to throw them off of the scent.

You know how it is, Clan ColinniloC,(see what I did there) need to watch each others backs. :lmao:


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
You know how it is, Clan ColinniloC,(see what I did there) need to watch each others backs. :lmao:

We do need to watch each others back as I reckon it's Huon... notice how he's not posting much but still appears online? I reckon he's Dads little tachograph, that evil spy in the cab.


Jun 7, 2009
View attachment 20726

On July 26, 1971, Apollo 15, the ninth manned mission of the Apollo program, was launched into space.

NASA called Apollo 15 the most successful manned flight ever achieved.

Apollo 15 was the fourth lunar landing mission. The flight to the moon was led by Commander David Scott. Alfred Worden was the Command Module Pilot. The Lunar Module was piloted by Jim Irwin.

The crew received intense geology training prior to the launch, making it the first Apollo flight to rank geology the highest priority of the mission. The field training took place in Arizona and New Mexico.

The mission ended successfully on August the 7th 1971.
Wasn't that the place where they where suppose to have faked the moon landings.
So I guess training their for the geology made sense.
Well that is, if you listen to the conspiracy nuts sitting at there comps with Tinfoil hats on.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Nonsense! You wear the hat because you like to.

I'd post more often but I'm without a computer right now and my smartphone cramps my style.

Ah we're safe everyone, it's not Huon. He doesn't have any style :lmao:.You have to get a 'puter soon though, missing your musings. (And I do like the hat - it's shiney and crinkles when I rub my head on the window!)


May 12, 2004
Ah we're safe everyone, it's not Huon. He doesn't have any style :lmao:.You have to get a 'puter soon though, missing your musings. (And I do like the hat - it's shiney and crinkles when I rub my head on the window!)

I said my style is cramped not nonexistent. Get it right boy! No wonder dad complains about your sloppiness!

Rub your head on the window by all means but remember the rules. You smear it, you clean it.


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