Commuting by bike for me consists of getting out of my house, turning onto the A6, riding for 3 minutes and out into country. Then a few villages and I'm into a small city. From there it is a case of cut across traffic before the one way nightmare and over a bridge and I'm there. 7-8 miles of brain off pedalling fun. The only hassle is the potholes that so far manages to force my rear wheel to not buckle but move to the side so it rubs the chain stay. Easy to fix but annoying. The front wheel buckles a bit though most weeks I did it. That meant a hour or so with my spoke key doing what I don't have the eye for. That is wheel truing.
The potholes managed to mess other more important parts of my bike, like the steering. Not as easy to sort out on the road. Ever tried to steer a drop handled bike with the handles slightly to one side to go forward? Easily fixed at home, even by me!! Anyway thatis why I need a new bike sometime soon.
I can't get on with flat bars. I have a problem with my hand due to a break and elbow joint problems that riding on the flat bars with the fewer possible hand positions makes rather uncomfortable after a while (crunchy elbow syndrome is what I call it). That rules most hybrids out.
There are some very tough bikes out there like those CX bikes. Reckon they will survive the potholes well. 700C x 35 tyres with carbon forks. Should soak up a few bad road surfaces and might even last long enough for the council to sort them out in about 20 years!!