Can you explain why you say you think a fifth of it is missing. To my mind, and my limited experience, If the cross section proportions are anything to go on, the centre of the bow seems to be around the location of cross-section 5. If you balance that by making both limbs around 1190mm, then you end up with a bow nearly 2.4m Long. But it doesn't look like a broken bow either, well, it certainly doesn't look like any of the breaks I've ever had happen, (though I've never made a willow bow). 1.4m would be a far more comfortable length of bow for Hunting as well
Hi Robby - welcome to the forum
I agree, it's very perplexing and, yes, I agree 5 is the widest point so you'd think it was the centre. I have two views, either it wasn't finished - in which case it's complete in length, or it was purposefully made asymmetric - in which case I think it's a bit short (20% is just a guess). I am beginning to favour the former and certainly the bows the archy team made look symmetrical and short. The other possibility is that material shrinkage is greater at point 4 - but there's no mention of that in the research text.