In Finland it is very easy to find straight branchles trunks, in fact most are such.
According to WP SC was active about 11300 - 10500 BP. ???
No problem. How was the night? I haven't been able to escape out there yet.
Cherry (avium) is up there in my top 5 bow woods. But again its finding the right tree. I made about 11 bows and all were lovely, even the short lived knotty bows that were made just to test a theory. We are talking 60" hunting weight bows.
Bird - padus is a much stouter gnarled relative and i would very much doubt a chance of finding an individual of bow worthiness.
All a moot point if we never had it mind.
dwardo - would you have a look at the proposed profile in post #55 please; is that worth trying in your experience or do you think I should go straight for a thicker mid section (or any other change).
The only reason I have proposed trying that profile is because it appears that was what was being worked towards - but, again, maybe that was a mistake and a thicker mid-section was planned.
Crikey dude that's hard to follow in a graph lol. Draw it on the back of a fag packet and email me a pick haha.
So what length and draw weight are you after and roughly what type of timber we looking at?
Badgers mass principal will help a bunch here as will ignoring modern draw lengths in favour of functional, not to mention folk were more vertically challenged back then so short arms = shorter draw-length (generally)
- OK, I'll see if I can find a fag packet! The weight will be no more than 20Lb I suspect and the bow length will be about 1.4m long. Judging by the dimensions of the original it would have been around 22mm wide and around 16mm thick at the centre tapering to 8mm round at the tips. Eventually, once I've experimented a bit with the profiles I intend to make a willow version but I'm thinking of trying hazel first (I don't see much point in using ash) - I've found some goat willow but need to cut, split and dry it.
It needs to be good enough to shoot a goose/duck at 30m in my opinion.