Hi and thank you. It most definitely does slip. I am not sure if that’s because the cord has already begun to deteriorate though?In the video it appears the string might not be tight enough around the spindle, so that near the end it looked like the bow was moving, but the spindle wasn't. Meaning that you were dragging the cord around the spindle....lots of friction and heat into the string. The bow might also be a bit short which means your strokes tend to be shorter, more direction changes, which tends to be where one gets cord slipping.
Youtube allows you to play your video back at 1/4 speed. It might be something to do with the sampling rate and the speed of the spindle, but it does look like it stands still at times.
It is always at the very end of the drilling. The whole thing appears to start binding. I can’t make any difference by adding tension to the bow with my hand either. I’ve tried various boards and spindles now, but the result is the same every time.
I know my action becomes wobbly at the end of the drilling, but that’s because the spindle begins to bind.
Today I couldn’t get an ember at all. I also noticed that the dust I created with the drill was brown rather than black. I’m assuming that might mean the board is too punky and consequentially too soft?