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Life Member
May 25, 2005
I keep seeing adverts for pink high heeled shoes. Now I'm all for a bit of fancy dress but these adverts seem very out of place here, especially as I cough up for membership. So some questions...
1. Can I switch them off?
2. If not, can they be sense checked so they are at least vaguely suitable for the prevailing site content?
2. Is the membership income not enough to cover costs?
3. Is the site now aiming to turn a profit?

Just curious!


1/ Use an add blocker if you don't like adverts.

2/ It can hard for this one, at home I get adverts for Bushcraft stuff and other things I'm interested in some how from the magic the google do, but from work where its not just me using the internet I get lots of different adds for anything and everything plus the I work in Harrogate and the adverts are either London or Edinburgh based as thats where the major offices are for my company. Do you share your pc with someone else as there surfing habits may be affecting the adds shown to you.

3/ Not a clue.

4/ Not a clue.

I first thought I would be very anti adverts on here, but now I don't even notice them most of the time.
Yes I have just installed AdBlock so that one is solved. I was more focussed on why the site has gone to advertising. I will search for some explanation. I thought this was one of the last bastions of t'Internet not prostituting itself to the advertising industry.
The ads you see are mostly based on what you look at on the web, but if it can't track what you're looking at they're quite random and there's little that can be done about it. I would have thought that they were not in your face at all, most people have commented that they're good where they are.

When it comes to the site costs are quite a bit and profit depends on how you look at things. The site takes up time, resources, space, money etc, it has an income so it's registered as a business so it pays tax, bank charges, postage costs, expenses, running costs, insurance etc, if there's money left at the end of the year I will take it as an income as it's necessary to sustain the site and offset the time and sacrifice invested in bushcraft uk.

as for this
I thought this was one of the last bastions of t'Internet not prostituting itself to the advertising industry.
It's a case of doing my best but I'd rather keep the site going than bin it, decisions on the site don't get made without thought and consideration and it's a needs must that I try to keep as toned down as possible.

That all make sense?
FWIW I didn't know that BCUK was advertising anything. I use the 'Iceweasel' browser which is just a clone of 'Firefox' running on Linux. I've told the browser not to show me anything I don't ask to see. Most of the time it does as it's told. :)


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