The "funny money" that cities create (and even then do not create enough of), will, I think, burst like a big sub prime bubble at some point - the "invisible earnings" have already been seen to be invisible
The monetary system is my major bug bear.
Banking was born, when a chap called a goldsmith, opened a vault, and charged the local townsfolk, to keep their gold safe, which is all banking should be.
But the goldsmiths realised that no-one came in and took out all their gold at the same time, and they never all came in at once to ask for their gold.
Thats was because the reciepts, or the claim cheques the goldsmith had written for them, were being traded in the marketplace, rather than the gold.
Paper reciepts the goldsmith handed out were so much less cumbersome to carry around than the gold itself.
Hence the birth of paper money. [I promise to pay the bearer]
The goldsmith then decided as well as storeing the gold, he could begin to lend the gold out, [gold which was not his] to other people, and charge interest.
But instead of giving the gold out, he just handed out the paper reciepts.
But then the sly old goldsmith soon realised he could lend out ten, twenty, thirty or a hundred times more in paper receipts, than the gold he actually had stashed in his safe, and no-one would ever know.
So he became stinking rich, because he could simply create paper money out of thin air and charged interest on it...
Today that fraudulent scam is called fractional reserve banking and the above example is the birth of the Bank of England, and all modern banking.
Completely unbelievable, yet acompletely true.
Over the last 50 years with the onset of electronic banking, the banks have been allowed, under successive governments to create so much electronic money as debt, that we can never pay it back. [When you call your bank and ask to borow £100k. They just type that money into existence, out of thin air. They dont actually have it. Its just sheer fraud.]
In fact 97% of the M4 money supply. Which is all the money in creation in the UK, has been created as debt, whereas the government has only allowed 3% to be created as coinage and notes.
Insanity? Of course it is. Absolutely mental.
The monetary system is a privatised system, and completely undemocractic. The Western world is a dictatorship of the monetary system. And the people who pull the strings are the shareholders of the central banks.
[even today nobody knows who owns the Federal Reserve!]
Thing is, it never had to be this way. Throughout the centuries banks have fought western governments for control of who gets to create the money, and won.
Our two party system, is just designed to divide and conquer the masses, diverting attention from the real issues, like who gets to create money.
If only the government had taken back the power to create money as debt, out of thin air, you would not be paying back three times what you borrowed for your main investment, your house.
Over a thirty year period. Sound far fetched? Its not.
Its a perfectly feasible possibility.
The economy would flourish, as you would be richer and the money you saved would be spent elsewhere.
But the reality is that our entire political system exists to STOP that ever happening. Nobody would vote for the monetary system we have. Nobody. Yet its the system thats been forced upon us.
The last President to try to stop the banks having the power to create money out of thin air was Kennedy. He released an executive order, to start printing silver dollars, backed by the government. Not Fed money. Which is private bank money.
A few months after the program started, he had his head blown off, and Johnson stopped the program.
Most other problems could be solved, poverty, debt, war, if the way the western monetary system works, was addressed. But those in power dont want it to be fixed. We are exactly where they want us to be. And its going to get a lot worse. were heading back to serfdom. They no longer want people to own assets for instance, and all they have to do is play with interest rates to destroy our lives.
Government has completely and utterly failed. Period. And human beings are just sheep.
Sorry for the lecture, Im sure a lot of you already know this, but its certainly worth knowing, I find it absolutely staggering, and the more you learn the worse it gets.
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