A great day!


Jan 4, 2012
I had a really good day today and thought i'd share, but also ask something;

Firstly, i have been working with a friend who's a tree surgeon, who also lives just down the road, we'd been sorting a huge garden, one of the main problems were several willow trees which had become overgrown, so whilst doing our job of coppicing them, we noticed that a lot of the lengths were good, useful ones, now one of our neighbours is a farrier and gamekeeper, who makes walking/shooting sticks and utilises antlers and things from the animals he shoots, so my employer, rather than throw the branches through the chipper, collected them all up to take them to the farrier instead of wasting them. he also sectioned up most of the wood and stored it for the client to use as firewood.

It struck me how nice it was to work for someone who, although he cuts down trees for a living, had a genuine care for how the trees are disposed of and used.

So how many of us work for similar people? whose bosses have a genuine caring for the natural environment?

Secondly, I have to congratulate Gerber, I have several of their products including an MP400 multi-tool which i have used and abused for about 12 years. A few months ago I snapped off two of the screwdriver bits using it 'inappropriately' I never thought much of it, but before Xmas thought I'd get it sorted, so emailed them to see about getting it repaired and cost, they simply told me to send it to them for examination and possible repair, so I expected a call in the new year wanting payment, but no, today, I received a brand new version of the original model, under warranty and FREE!

What fantastic customer service. So today, i have a happy job, and a nice shiny new multi tool! :D
nice, i had a similar experience with Silva recently, the magnetic declination wheel stopped working on my compass, probably due to me mistreating it, i sent it to them for repair and was prepared to pay them, instead, within a few days they sent me a brand new one, silva compasses have 3 year warranties!

Good to hear Gerba are good because mine is missing a screwdriver as well, i have no idea where it went but one day it was just missing...


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
A treesurgeon becomes one, because he cares for trees and has a heart for the natural world in general. At least the ones I've met and I can remember that they all were quit passionate about both subjects....:rolleyes: None of them was willing to just shred the wood if there were alternatives. They all knew people who could use the wood properly and made sure they got it, too. They were all selfemployed or belonged to very small businesses, too, so no large companies telling them what to do, to hurry up and dispose of the wood quickly...
I spoke to quit a few, because I was going through a careerchanging period, but unfortunately my fysical health got in the way. I couldn't help but notice that these guys, and one lady, were happy in their job, despite cutting down trees....


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.